A new Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Surrey

Closed 27 Mar 2019

Opened 27 Feb 2019

Feedback updated 30 May 2019

We asked

  1. To what extent respondents agreed with priorities set
  2. Whether respondents agreed with the population groups identified
  3. The level of ambition included within the draft strategy

You said

The engagement period ran from 27 February to 27 March 2019.

During this period, we received 160 responses to the online survey in addition to a number of emails and letters. Whilst this recent engagement exercise was not a formal consultation, it was a chance to test an evidence-based draft strategy. It is important to stress that this is only part of the engagement process as described in the draft Strategy.

We would like to thank everyone who responded and participated in the engagement around the strategy for their views and feedback. More than 80% of respondents ‘tend to agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ with the three strategy priorities and the target groups.

The responses highlighted a number of areas where we could improve the Strategy – these included:

  • Making the strategy easier to access and understand.
  • Strengthening or adding specific references to specific areas of focus including for example, domestic abuse, addressing environmental factors affecting people’s health and wellbeing, and mental health.
  • Making sure some of the language and way we described things was clearer
  • Reviewing the metrics in the strategy to ensure they captured the full range of outcomes we were trying to achieve.

We did

Whilst we may not have always been able to fully address every concern, we have listened and will be amending the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy to reflect the feedback from the engagement period.

We have amended the following in the strategy:

  • The strategy has been shortened and the language simplified.
  • The priorities within the revised strategy have been updated to reflect feedback around strengthening references to mental health, improving environmental factors that impact people’s health and wellbeing, domestic abuse and physical activity.
  • We have reviewed wording to ensure it is clear ‘substance misuse’ includes the use of illegal drugs for Priority One, and the description of population groups to focus on people living with illness and/or a disability.

The Health and Wellbeing Board also agreed that further work needed to be undertaken on measuring outcomes for the Strategy and is working with the Executive Director of Public Health to lead this work (through the Surrey Office of Data Analytics).

The new 10 year Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been published on the Healthy Surrey website and partners are now working together to translate the commitments made in the strategy into implementation plans.

Some of the feedback we received didn’t relate to the strategy document itself – for example feedback included suggestions to support implementation or focussed on issues that sit outside of the Strategy – we’ve shared that feedback with relevant leads / partners to help shape and improve services.  You can see a more detailed summary of the feedback and our response here.


We want to hear your views

A new draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been developed for Surrey. It is the product of unprecedented collaboration between the NHS, Surrey County Council and wider partners, including the voluntary and community sector and the police, and we would like to test it with you.  Please take part in the online survey and let us know what you think.

The Surrey Health & Wellbeing Board

Easy Read materials relating to the strategy can be found below in the related documents section.    

We have provided an Easy Read summary of the overall aims of the strategy and an Easy Read explanation of pages 16-18 of the strategy which relates to Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or adults with a learning disability and/or autism. Additionally there are two Easy Read survey formats: an interactive edition of the survey and a printable PDF.

The revised Health and Wellbeing strategy together with the final feedback report will be available here from Thursday 9th May.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Health and wellbeing