Feedback on Local Prevention for Young People commissioning survey

Closed 23 May 2015

Opened 4 May 2015

Results expected 20 Jun 2015

Feedback expected 20 Jun 2015


Local Prevention is commissioned by Services for Young People to build young people's resilience and is linked to the Early Help Strategy.  Early Help addresses young people's needs to prevent the needs increasing and reduces demand on statutory services.  This can range from prevention of a young person becoming NEET to prevention of a young person becoming looked after.

We have recommissioned Local Prevention provision and from 1st September 2015 each District and Borough will have a new Neighbourhood Funding Agreement to provide preventative work with groups of young people and a contract for One to One provision which will provide targeted early help for individual young people identified through Surrey's Early Help process.

If you applied for Local Prevention funding we would like your feedback on the procurement process.  The feedback will be used to improve future commissioning carried out by Services for Young People.

What happens next

Once all feedback has been collated and analysed a summary will be published of the lessons learnt .


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