Surrey County Council Autumn Half Term Break
*Survey update 04/12/24 - additional information added in italics below*
In response to the national conversation that has emerged over the last few months, about school holidays and term times, the council is seeking the views of our community, including school staff, businesses, workers, residents, and partner agencies. Nationally, there are approximately 10% of state funded schools that have made a change to the length of the Autumn half term holiday, which includes a number of Surrey schools and education settings.
The council is inviting you to express a view which will assist us to consider our approach to determine if there is an appetite for change to the Autumn half term holiday for future academic years.
Please note: Surrey County Council is only able to influence changes to term dates for community and voluntary aided schools.
The combined responses from education settings, families and partners will help inform our approach to term dates for the 2026/27 academic year onwards.
If it is determined that there is significant appetite for change, the council will adopt a two-week autumn half term break from the 2026/2027 academic year at the earliest.
If we proceed with a two-week autumn half term break, the additional 5 days would be taken from the summer break. Where there are opportunities to recover days through the natural positioning of bank holidays during the Christmas and Easter breaks, we would seek to minimise the reduction of the summer break.
The academic year will still be a total of 195 days for community and voluntary controlled schools, of which five are to be taken as INSET days to fulfil the 190 days entitlement for pupils.
The council remains committed to the consideration of traditional, religious & cultural observances where possible in determining term dates across the academic year.
Surrey schools and other education settings were invited to provide their views via a separate survey which was open between 7 October 2024 and 30 November 2024.
You can find our accessibility policy here. If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or any other format, please contact us at 0300 200 1004 or
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Your responses will only be used for this survey.
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