Surrey County Council Autumn Half Term Break
In response to the national conversation that has emerged over the last few months, about school holidays and term times, the council is seeking the views of our community, including school staff, businesses, workers, residents, and partner agencies. Nationally, there are approximately 10% of state funded schools that have made a change to the length of the Autumn half term holiday, which includes a number of Surrey schools and education settings.
The council is inviting you to express a view which will assist us to consider our approach to determine if there is an appetite for change to the Autumn half term holiday for future academic years.
Please note: Surrey County Council is only able to influence changes to term dates for community and voluntary aided schools.
You can find our accessibility policy here. If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or any other format, please contact us at 0300 200 1004 or
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Your responses will only be used for this survey.
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