Changes to Community Youth Work Service In Surrey Heath

Closed 4 Sep 2015

Opened 29 Jun 2015

Feedback updated 18 Dec 2017

We asked

There is less money available for Services for Young People overall. This means we need to find ways of delivering youth work that make the most of the money we have. We want to use the money we have for youth work to make the biggest difference to young people. In particular, this means helping them to prepare for work and their adult life. To do this we need to divide the money we have between different parts of Surrey fairly to make sure that the young people who need support the most get it. We want to find out what you think about our plans and your ideas of how we can do things better.

You said

The key findings from the consultation were:

There was strong support for the services decision to apply the resource allocation system and hub and spoke models to youth work delivered in Surrey Heath.

The areas of identified needs were considered to be accurate and the correct locations to divide up the youth work resources across Surrey Heath.

There was disappointment at the reduction in resources in some centres across Surrey Heath

We did

We were very pleased to have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the local community about our plans for community youth work in Surrey Heath. As a result of this, we will still be implementing our changes as planned with your support.

Results updated 18 Dec 2017

Changes to community youth work are being made across the whole of Surrey. They are designed to: enable the community youth work service (CYWS) to better support the county council’s strategic goal of employability for young people; implement a county council cabinet steer to allocate more of our resources to the areas of greatest need; and respond positively to an overall funding reduction of 11% for community youth work across Surrey.

Following the consultation process, we have amended or developed our proposals to improve our local offer for young people. The findings summarise the county-wide changes.



We are making changes to the Community Youth Work Service (CYWS) in Surrey. 

CYWS helps young people to be more employable by building their resilience, developing their skills and improving their wellbeing through youth work.

Youth work is often delivered from youth centres, but youth workers also work in the places where young people meet, for example in local parks. It is a way of working with young people that is voluntary and helps them to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence so that they can reach their goals. It is available to all young people, especially the ones who need support the most. We will work in partnership with other organisations to provide more activities for young people.

Why your views matter

There is less money available for Services for Young People overall. This means we need to find ways of delivering youth work that make the most of the money we have. We want to use the money we have for youth work to make the biggest difference to young people. In particular, this means helping them to prepare for work and their adult life. To do this we need to divide the money we have between different parts of Surrey fairly to make sure that the young people who need support the most get it. We want to find out what you think about our plans and your ideas of how we can do things better.

Before beginning the survey, please read through the two documents attached below.

They will provide you with some background information on Surrey Heath and the Community Youth Work Service (CYWS). They will also talk through what plans, objectives and aims the CYWS have for Surrey Heath.

We would invite you to our public meetings to be held in Surrey Heath at the following venues on the following evenings:

Thursday 20th August 2015 at St Mary's Church & Centre, Park Road, Camberley GU15 2RS.   Time 18:30 pm to 20:30 pm

Monday 24th August 2015 at Frimley Green Youth Centre, Wharfenden Way, Frimley Green, Camberley GU16 6PJ.   Time 18:30 pm to 20:30 pm

Wednesday 26th August 2015 at Bisley Youth Centre, 196 Guildford Road, Bisley, Surrey Heath GU24 9EP.  Time 18:30 pm to 20:30 pm

Thursday 27th August 2015 at Old Dean Youth Centre, Kingston Road, Camberley GU15 4AF.  Time 18:30 pm to 20:30 pm


  • Surrey Heath


  • Young people
  • Children in care
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Social workers
  • Youth workers
  • Health professionals working with children
  • Councillors, MPs
  • Children with disabilities
  • CSF staff
  • Carers
  • Headteachers
  • Health providers
  • Clinical commissioning groups
  • Children's Centres
  • Employers
  • Care Leavers
  • SCC staff
  • District and borough council staff
  • Voluntary, community and faith sector organisations
  • HR staff
  • Adults Social Care staff
  • Users of Surrey pharmacies
  • Community pharmacies
  • Dispensing doctors
  • GPs
  • Healthcare providers
  • Representatives and individuals with an interest in Surrey pharmacy services
  • All Surrey residents


  • 12-19 year olds
  • 20-25 year olds
  • Commissioning
  • Looked After Children and Care Leavers
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Disabilities
  • Parents and families
  • Staff
  • Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
  • Safeguarding children
  • Organisations that receive grant funding
  • Skills
  • Recruitment
  • Policy
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Adult Social Care