Early Years - Training Portal account set up

Closed 31 Aug 2020

Opened 22 Jun 2020


Dear Early Years Provider,

As some of you will be aware the Training system used by Early Education and Effectiveness/SEND Teams is no longer available and will be replaced by a Training and Development Portal. Our current training booking system will cease to be available during the Autumn Term.  The Early Years Team have been working towards the implementation of a new Training and Development Portal that will provide an improved user experience and meet the training needs of our Early Years providers. The Portal will operate in parallel with the system that is currently used by SCC Schools. Feedback from School users is that the system is easy to navigate, and operational functions are straight forward.

The Portal is a self-service system that will allow providers to book training, make online payments, track scheduled events and view training records in real time. Once registered, providers will be able to manage all aspects of training and development transactions in one place.

We hope that the portal will create new and exciting training opportunities for on-going improvement and development across the sector.

In order to access future training events providers will need to book places through the new Training Portal. Each setting is required to have an account and we require a specific set of information about your provision to create an account on your behalf. We have a team of data entry staff ready and waiting to create your accounts so that they are ready and waiting for you when the system goes LIVE!

Please ensure that you complete and submit the survey to support a seamless transition to the new system by Friday 31 July 2020.

Copy of the Privacy Notice available at; https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/childcare-professionals/training-for-childcare-professionals/training-programme-from-early-years-and-childcare-service


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  • 0-5 year olds