Joint Strategic Review of Overnight Short Breaks in East Surrey
Feedback updated 19 Dec 2017
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A joint strategic review of short breaks took place in 2013-14 between Surrey County Council and NHS Guildford and Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on behalf of the six Surrey Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) with responsibility for children’s services in the county. The scope of the review was to look at the provision of short breaks for children and young people with disabilities in Surrey.
The key area of this review considered options for the future use and funding of short break services in east Surrey. The review focused on Applewood in Tadworth, which is run by Surrey County Council and Beeches in Reigate, which is commissioned by the Surrey CCGs and provided by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP). At the time of the review, both facilities were underused and Beeches was operating at a high cost. Part of the impetus for the joint strategic review was the wider choice and support that had become available for families with children with disabilities.
The consultation results were independently analysed. Feedback from the consultation was used to develop joint recommendations that were then agreed by Surrey County Council’s Cabinet on 23 September 2014 and all six NHS Surrey CCG boards in September and October 2014. All parties agreed the following recommendations:
- The responsibility for funding short break services for children and young people currently accessing Beeches will transfer from Surrey CCGs to Surrey County Council.
- Surrey County Council continues to run Applewood as a short break service.
- Beeches remains as an option for families through their personal budgets by direct payments or arranged by Surrey County Council rather than the current block contract arrangements, subject to agreement with SABP who run Beeches.
- Surrey County Council and NHS Guildford and Waverley CCG work with SABP to transfer commissioning arrangements to individual spot purchases at a fair price.
- Surrey County Council continues to develop options for the use of personal budgets with families either through direct payments or arranged by Surrey County Council.
The recommendations were implemented. SABP was given notice on the block contract for Beeches by Guildford and Waverley CCG with current NHS funding concluding in November 2015.
Negotiations have since taken place with SABP and it has not been possible to agree arrangements for individual spot purchase.
In May 2015, SABP informed the county council, the CCGs and Family Voice Surrey that it now proposed to discontinue short breaks services at Beeches from November 2015.
In light of this outcome, Cabinet agreed on 29 July 2015 to consult further before determining if the council should fund services at Beeches, or fund alternative services which may result in Beeches being closed.
In completing the following questions, please refer to:
1. The original consultation, supporting strategic review documents including an equalities impact assessment and independent analysis of responses, which can be found online here on Surrey Says.
2. Information sheet on alternative residental services.
What happens next
The results will be presented to Cabinet in October 2015 so they can decide on the option to be agreed.
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- Young people
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- Councillors, MPs
- Children with disabilities
- 6-11 year olds
- 12-19 year olds
- Special Educational Needs
- Disabilities
- Parents and families
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