Our Views Matter - Transitioning from Children's Mental health services
The User Voice and Participation team are working with emotional wellbeing and mental health services to gain an understanding of what it feels like for a young person transitioning out of the services they access. This transition could be out of children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health services completely or into another service. This short survey will help The User Voice and Participation Team to know what transition currently feels like for young people. We will also feed this information back to the appropriate services to ensure your voice is heard and hopefully bring about positive change to improve transition for other young people in Surrey.
Please note: only answer the survey about one service at a time. If you have transitioned out of more than one service, you will need to complete the survey multiple times about each service.
- All Areas
- Young people
- Children in care
- Children with disabilities
- Care Leavers
- 6-11 year olds
- 12-19 year olds
- 20-25 year olds
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