New Surrey Waste Local Plan - Community Consultation

Closed 25 Nov 2016

Opened 2 Sep 2016



A large amount of waste is generated by Surrey’s homes and businesses, so Surrey County Council needs to ensure that sufficient land is available for the waste facilities needed to manage it.

It is essential that those facilities do not result in unacceptable harm to the environment and human health. It’s also important that Surrey’s waste is managed sustainably and that the county is working towards sending zero waste to landfill.

We are reviewing and replacing our current waste local plan because it was adopted in 2008 and we want to make sure it remains up-to-date. The new Surrey Waste Local Plan 2018 – 2033 will help make sure that we can continue to manage Surrey’s waste sustainably.

We would like to ask some questions about the vision we have for the new Surrey Waste Local Plan to make sure that it meets the expectations of all our stakeholders, including households and businesses.

Below is how we intend to produce the new Surrey Waste Local Plan:



  • All Areas


  • All Surrey residents


  • Policy
  • SCC staff
  • Highways
  • Waste management