Surrey Cancer Inequalities Survey

Closed 30 Jan 2025

Opened 26 Sep 2024


A survey of cross-system partners to identify recent, ongoing or planned activities to tackle cancer inequalities in Surrey.

Surrey County Council Public Health & Communities team are running this survey in collaboration with Surrey Heartlands ICS and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Why your views matter

The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board strategy focuses on reducing health inequalities so no-one is left behind. We know that inequalities exist across the cancer pathway on a national and local level.

Cancer inequalities are unfair and systematic differences in cancer incidence, experience and outcomes for people in underserved or vulnerable communities.

Inequalities can occur by:

  • geographical location (for example: urban and rural communitities)
  • socio-economic position (for example: people experiencing deprivation)
  • protected characteristics (for example: age, sex, gender or ethnicity)
  • underserved or inclusion groups (for example: people experiencing homelessness) 

Many organisations across Surrey are working hard to identify and reduce cancer inequalities, in line with guidance such as NHS England's CORE20Plus5 and inclusion health frameworks.

The aim of this survey is to gather the learnings from the work of those organisations, and share them with partners across Surrey.

Based on the findings, we will create an activity map to share best practice with partners across the Surrey system. We will also identify gaps to inform recommendations for future action against cancer inequalities, and create a hub of resources for partners to use, adapt and learn from.

If part of your professional or voluntary role involves identifying or addressing cancer inequalities for people in Surrey – for any group, cancer type or point in the pathway from diagnosis through treatment to living beyond cancer – we want to hear from you.

The more responses we receive, the more comprehensive map and resource hub we can create, and the more effectively we can work together as a system to tackle cancer inequalities.

What happens next

We are in the process of analysing these results to produce an activity map and resource hub to help us work together to tackle cancer inequalities.


  • All Areas


  • Community pharmacies
  • Dispensing doctors
  • GPs
  • Healthcare providers


  • Health and wellbeing