Community Equipment Service Questionnaire-Prescribers

Closed 6 Feb 2020

Opened 15 Jan 2020


CES Overview

The Community Equipment Service (CES) is a Surrey-wide equipment loan service, providing assistive equipment and adaptations to enable people to remain as independent as possible in their home environment. As such, it assists with preventing admissions into hospital and/or care homes and facilitating timely discharge from hospital.

The service is provided to anyone with an eligible health and/or social care need (for health requirements this will include people registered to G.P.’s in the Surrey CCG’s, for social care needs it includes those people who are classed as ordinarily resident in Surrey).

The service is jointly commissioned between Surrey County Council and Surrey's six CCG partners.

Your response will help us to improve the services provided by the CES and its commissioned providers.

Your answers will be confidential. The data collected from this survey will only be used to review the current service offered and may be used in the design of the future CES contract.

Why your views matter

The contract to provide the Community Equipment Service (CES) runs for a fixed period and is due for recommissioning in 2021. As part of the recommissioning process, the CES commissioners and its partners request feedback from all the parties involved in providing and receiving the services it offers.

You may have ideas, thoughts and concerns that the commissioners have not considered so now is the right time to share them. There is the opportunity on question 20 to be involved further with the recommissioning process and/or have your response discussed further with a member of the CES Commissioning Team.

We thank you for your time in completing the questionnaire.

What happens next

After the closing date all the resposes will be collated and reviewed by a small group of commissioners, prescribers, service users and carers (if available)


  • All Areas


  • Social workers
  • Health professionals working with children
  • CSF staff
  • Health providers
  • Clinical commissioning groups
  • SCC staff
  • Adults Social Care staff
  • Healthcare providers


  • Commissioning
  • Adult Social Care
  • SCC staff