We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

Thank you to everyone that responded to the public engagement exercise, regarding the proposed 20mph speed limit with “light touch” measures in Chipstead. 

You said

The results are as follows:

Do you support the proposed 20mph speed limit with “light touch” measures? 

Yes – 82%

No – 17%

Neither support nor oppose – 1%

We did

The above results, and the additional comments submitted have been considered in consultation with the local county councillor and the decision has been made to proceed with the works to install the 20mph speed limit with “light touch” measures in Chipstead.

The attached plan provides further details about the “light touch” measures that are planned.  

The next step is to carry out the legal processes necessary to reduce the speed limits, which will need to be completed before the speed limit can be reduced.

We currently hope to install the scheme before the end of March 2025.  

We asked

If you had any objections to us removing the tree outside19 Fairholme Road.

You said

There were no objections to the tree's removal and there were two responses that supported its removal.

We did

We will reduce the tree to a 1m stump within the next 12 months.

We asked

You to share your thoughts on proposals to implement a Raised Zebra Crossing with additional Parking Controls on Linkfield Lane, to improve safety and accessibility for children and families walking and cycling to St Josephs Catholic Primary School. 

You said

There were 269 responses to the informal consultation.

Raised Zebra Crossing

87% Fully Support

7%   Don’t Support

5%   Other


Parking Controls

78% Fully Support

11%  Don’t Support

10%  Other





We did

Following on from this informal consultation, with the local community and discussions with Local County Councillor Natalie Bramhall, Surrey County Council's Highway Service will be proceeding with the implementation of the Raised Zebra Crossing and Parking Controls. 

Due to comments made by various respondents, we will be making one small change to the proposed Parking Controls.  We will be replacing the proposed Double Yellow Lines to the northwestern side of the school entrance with School Keep Clear Markings (25.6m)

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means we need to allow formal objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decsion is reached about whether or not to go ahead with the scheme. 

This Stautory Consultation will commence from Friday 28th June.  Information on how to object, support or comment on this scheme will be updated on this page on Friday 28th June. 


We asked

You to object, support or comment on the proposed Raised Zebra Crossing and Parking Controls on Cranley Road, Guildford

You said

There were 263 responses to the Statutory Consultation.

86% Support  

11% Objected

3%  Other

For the immediate roads surrounding Cranley Road there were 54 respondents from the overall 263 total

47% Support

44% Object

9% Other

We did

All responses to the Statutory Consultation, the objections, and other representations, have been carefully considered .  It is appreciated that there have been a number of differing views expressed as part of this statutory consultation process.

The decision has been taken, under delegated authority by the Highway Engagement & Commissioning Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member County Councillor Fiona Davidson and the Cabinet Member for Highways Matt Furniss to set the objections aside and proceed with the Raised Zebra Crossing on Cranley Road.  

We asked

You to either Object or Support and comment on the Statutory Consultation for the proposed Zebra Crossing on Church Road, East Molesey

You said

The council received 516 responses.

 63%    Support

(35%)  Objections

(2%)    other views 

We did

All responses to the Statutory Consultation, the objections and other representations, have been carefully considered.  It is appreciated that there have been a number of differing views expressed as part of this statutory consultation process. 

The decision has been taken, under delegated authority, by the Highway Engagement & Commissioning Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member, County Councillor Steve Bax to set the objections aside.

Works to install the Zebra Crossing will begin on 1st April 2023 

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Walton Leigh School onto a satellite site at the former Hurst Park Primary School site & change of school designation from a designation of SLD/PMLD to a designation of SLD/PMLD and ASD?

You said

A total of 15 responses were received and analysed. Of the 15 responses, 93% agreed with the proposal to expand Walton Leigh School onto a satellite site at the former Hurst Park Primary School site & change of school designation from a designation of SLD/PMLD to a designation of SLD/PMLD and ASD.

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices on 22 January 2024. After the four week statutory notice period, we will approach the Lead Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Lifelong Learning for approval of the proposal.

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to lower the age range of Hurst Green Infant School & Nursery?

You said

100% of respondents (1 person) agreed with the proposal

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices in September 2023 along with the consultation analysis document. After the four week statutory notice period we will approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal on 31 October 2023.

We asked

You to choose between five road safety proposals to make it easier and safer to cross Church Road.

You said

There were 977 responses to the consultation.

  • 77% agreed with a 20mph Limit.
  • 74% agreed with a Zebra Crossing
  • 27% agreed with a School Street
  • 20% agreed with Do Nothing
  • 17% agreed with a trial Point Closure  

We did

Following on from the recent consultation with residents and discussions with Local County Councillor Steve Bax and Dominic Raab MP, Surrey County Council’s Highway Service will be proceeding with:

  • Zebra Crossing on Church Road
  • 20mph Limit

It is our aim to implement these road safety improvements in the current financial year.  Formal legal notices advertising the proposals will be displayed on site, sent to affected frontages, and advertised in the local press in due course. 

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Woodfield School onto a Specialist School Satellite site at Carrington School?

You said

There were 7 responses to the consultation.

100% of respondents agreed with the proposal. 

We did

On 27 June 2023 the Lead Cabinet Member agreed with the proposal to expand Woodfield School onto a Specialist School Satellite site at Carrington School.

Full details and supporting documents from the meeting can be found here

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Woodfield School onto a Specialist School Satellite site at Carrington School?

You said

52% (26) of respondents agreed with the proposal

32% (16) disagreed with the proposal

16% (8) didn’t know how they felt about the proposal

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices in April 2023 along with the consultation analysis document and a question and answer document. After the four week statutory notice period we will approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand the SEN (Special Educational Needs) Unit at Hythe Primary School

You said

There were 2 responses to the statutory notices.

100% (2) of respondents agreed with the proposal to expand the SEN (Special Educational Needs) Unit at Hythe Primary School

We did

We will now approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal at the Lead Cabinet Member Decision Meeting in April 2023.

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand the existing SEN (Special Educational Needs) Unit at Stepgates Community School?

You said

There were 12 responses during the statutory notice period. 92% of respondents to the statutory notices agreed with the proposal to expand the existing SEN (Special Educational Needs) Unit at Stepgates Community School. 8% of respondents disagreed with the proposal.

We did

This proposal will be submitted to the Lead Cabinet Member for Education and Learning for consideration to determine the statutory notices on 25 April 2023.

We asked

Do you agree with the proposed change of age range and extension of premises at Meadowcroft Infant School? 

You said

During the Statutory Notice period, there were 61 responses. 

44% respondents agreed with the proposal, 51% disagreed and 5% stated that they didn't know.


We did

A "Question and Answer" document has now been published on this page, answering questions which arose during the Statutory Notice period. 

We will now approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal at the Lead Cabinet Member Decision Meeting in April 2023.

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Philip Southcote School on a satellite site at Epsom and Ewell High School?

You said

We had 4 responses during the statutory notice period. 100% of respondents to the statutory notices agreed with the proposal to expand Philip Southcote School on a satellite site at Epsom and Ewell High School. 

We did

The Lead Cabinet Member agreed with the proposal to expand Philip Southcote School on a satellite site at Epsom and Ewell High School.

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand and change the designation of the SEN Unit at Ashford Park Primary from a designation of MLD to a designation of ASD

You said

There were 11 responses to the consultation.

9 respondents (82%) agreed with the proposal to expand the SEN unit and change the designation from MLD to ASD and 2 respondents (8%) disagreed with the proposal.

We did

On 31 January 2023 the Lead Cabinet Member agreed with the proposal to expand and change the designation of the SEN Unit at Ashford Park Primary from a designation of MLD to a designation of ASD.

Full details and supporting documents from the meeting can be found here



We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand the existing SEN Unit at Stepgates Community School?

You said

100% of respondents agreed with the proposal to expand the existing SEN Unit at Stepgates Community School.

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices in January 2023 along with the consultation analysis document and a question and answer document. After the four week statutory notice period we will approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to formally dual-designate and expand the SEN unit at Hythe Primary School?

You said

87.5% (7 respondents) agreed with the proposal to formally dual-designate and expand the SEN unit at Hythe Primary School

12.5% (1 respondent) disagreed agree with the proposal to formally dual-designate and expand the SEN unit at Hythe Primary School

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices in January 2023 along with the consultation analysis document and a question and answer document. After the four week statutory notice period we will approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal

We asked

1.Do you agree with the proposal to permanently expand the SEN unit at Ashford Park Primary School?

2. Do you agree with the proposal to change the SEN unit designation from MLD to ASD?

You said

100% agreed with the proposal to permanently expand the SEN unit at Ashford Park Primary School

100% agreed with the proposal to change the SEN unit designation from MLD to ASD

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices on 14 November. After the four week statutory notice period we will approach the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Philip Southcote School on a satellite site at Epsom and Ewell High School?

You said

A total of 20 responses were received and analysed.  Of the 20 responses, 95% agreed with the proposal to expand Philip Southcote School on a satellite site at Epsom and Ewell High.

We did

We plan to publish statutory notices on 14 November. After the four week statutory notice period, we will approach the the Lead Cabinet Member for approval of the proposal.

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Meadowcroft Infant School to a one-form entry primary school?

You said

A total of 62 responses were received and analysed.  Of the 62 responses, 71% agreed with the proposal, 17.7% disagreed with the proposal and 11.3% did not know or offer a position.

We did

The consultation analysis has been published and can be found below. A number of questions arose during the consultation period, which we have collated into a "Questions and Answers" document.

The publication of statutory notices will take place after pre-planning engagement, as part of our due diligence.