Consultation on the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Surrey 2025

Closed 24 Jan 2025

Opened 25 Nov 2024


Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board has produced the first draft of its 2025 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) report. It is a statutory duty for the Health and Wellbeing Boards to publish a PNA and keep it up to date.

The draft PNA report is available at Surrey-i Draft Pharmacuetical Needs Assessment 2025

The aim of the Surrey PNA is to describe the current and future needs for pharmaceutical services in Surrey. It achieves this by providing an overview of pharmacy services in Surrey (what is provided and where) and then makes assessment around whether what is currently in place meets the needs of residents, both now and in the future.  The focus of the assessment is around access to pharmacy services. The assessment of service quality (e.g. medicines stock, staff expertise, waiting times) are outside the scope of the PNA.

The document is used by local NHS leaders, helping them determine whether to approve changes to the pharmaceutical provision in Surrey. This may include applications for new pharmacies to open, consolidation of existing pharmacies or changes to location. It may also help a person who wishes to provide pharmacy services understand the areas in Surrey with the greatest need.

The PNA Steering Group welcome comments on the current draft of the PNA and is open to all. Your feedback will be used to inform the final report which is scheduled for Publication in April 2025

We therefore invite you to view and comment during the consultation period:

Monday 25th November 2024 to Friday 24th January 2025 at 11:59pm.

Please note that any responses received after this time may not be included in the findings report.

The purpose of the consultation is to received feedback on the accuracy of the report and the extent to which the findings reflect the views of the those living and working in Surrey. We wish to encourage a wide range of individuals, organisations, groups and healthcare professionals to provide opinions their views.

Your comments are valuable and highly appreciated. After reading the draft PNA report, please complete this online PNA consultation questionnaire to give your feedback before the consultation close date on Friday 24th January 2025.


Accessibility Statement

This online PNA consultation questionnaire is compatible with speech recognition software and screen readers. Alternative versions of this questionnaire (Screen Reader Accessible and Large Print versions) can be found at the bottom of this page under ‘related documents’.

Any questionnaires answered on the Screen Reader Accessible Microsoft Word version or the Large Print version may be emailed directly to Surrey County Council using this email address:

Or they may be printed and returned via post to:

Attention: PNA public health
Surrey County Council
Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill

If you would like us to send you a printed version of the questionnaire in an accessible format, please email us on and we will post a questionnaire out to you with a pre-paid envelope. 

If you have any queries about the PNA, or require a copy of the PNA or this questionnaire in hard copy or a different alternative format, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you:


SMS text number: 07816188630

Telephone number: 07816188630


Privacy notice

Surrey County Council is seeking your views, comments, and information about you in order to understand the needs for pharmaceutical services in Surrey. Your participation in this consultation is voluntary. All responses are confidential and no personal identifiable information will be used in the report. You may refuse to take part or stop taking part at any time without penalty. The data you provide will help us understand how views may vary amongst different types of people. This data will be held in accordance with GDPR (general data protection regulation). Please see our website Data Protection page for further details:

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

By completing this questionnaire, you are consenting to the collection and storage of your data in line with our Data Protection Policy. If you wish to receive a copy of this, please use the contact details provided above.


  • All Areas


  • Users of Surrey pharmacies
  • Community pharmacies
  • Dispensing doctors
  • GPs
  • Healthcare providers
  • Representatives and individuals with an interest in Surrey pharmacy services


  • Health and wellbeing