Barriers and solutions to commissioning placements for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking young people
The National Children's Bureau are asking Local Authourities to share their views on the barriers and possible solutions to commissioning placements for UAS young people.
This forms part of ongoing work that is being undertaken with the DfE - feedback will be used to inform future government action to support the sector and the effective working of the National Transfer Scheme for UAS young people.
Why your views matter
We are asking colleagues who work directly with this group of children and young people to share experiences and contribute to this research.
There are just 2 questions, and an additional comments section if you would like to use it.
Thank you for taking the time to support this information gathering process.
- All Areas
- Social workers
- Youth workers
- Health professionals working with children
- CSF staff
- 12-19 year olds
- 20-25 year olds
- Commissioning
- Looked After Children and Care Leavers
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