Post-16 travel allowance
In 2022, we issued an updated policy statement aimed at travel assistance for students aged 16-25. Aligned with this statement, In the same year, we introduced the post-16 travel allowance more widely. We now have around 33% of post-16 students accessing discretionary travel assistance via the allowance and we are looking to expand the allocation of this further in 2024.
We would like to engage with families who currently receive the post-16 independent travel allowance on thoughts, views and any suggestions you would like us to consider.
We understand that for some, the issuing of the allowance reflected a different type of travel solution that your child may have been receiving while they were of statutory school age (up to the year 11).
The Surrey School Travel and Assessment Team is striving to improve our customer service and would gratefully appreciate you taking part in this short survey, which should take between 5-7 minutes to complete.
Comments will be reviewed and form part of an ongoing analysis of the Post-16 Travel Allowance.
If you have any queries about the survey and/or require this survey in hard copy or a different alternative format, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you:
Accessibility Statement: This survey is compatible with speech recognition software and screen readers. A Large Print version of this survey can be found at the bottom of this page under ‘related documents’. If you have any queries about the survey and/or require this survey in hard copy or a different alternative format, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you:
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- Parents
- Parents and families
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