Short Breaks Feedback Survey

Closed 20 Dec 2020

Opened 30 Nov 2020


Surrey County Council wants to look at how our Short Breaks services meet the needs of children, young people and families, and identify how we can make these services better. 

Short Breaks are play, leisure and respite activities run by our partner organisations which give children and young people with disabilities opportunities to enjoy time with friends, have fun and develop new skills. They also give families the chance to have a break from their caring responsibilities.

We are asking families and children who attend a Short Break to fill out this survey to tell us how you experience the services, what you think of them and how we can improve them.

We appreciate that some services are closed or reduced due to Covid, or you are choosing not to access services at the moment. We would ask that you base your answers on what you accessed before March 2020.

The survey should take 20 minutes to complete. There are 9 sections in total. The first couple have more questions than the rest, after which there are approximately 2-4 questions per section.

There are some questions that you may need to think about and reflect on before you answer them, but those answers will really help us to understand the experiences of families accessing Short Breaks, and how we can improve the service.  Please do also add any brief additional comments where prompted, to help us understand your answers.

If your child accesses Short Breaks independently, you may want to ask them to answer some of the questions or you may want to consult with your child about some of the answers.

Please note, we will not be using this information to assess your or your child’s suitability or eligibility for any support that you receive, either through Short Breaks or through other sources. We will only be using the information provided to make improvements to the Short Break services and your personal information will not be shared with anyone Surrey County Council.

If you are happy to take part in this research, please press ‘next’ to start the survey.


  • All Areas


  • All Surrey residents


  • Schools
  • 0-5 year olds
  • 6-11 year olds
  • 12-19 year olds
  • 20-25 year olds
  • Commissioning
  • Looked After Children and Care Leavers
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Disabilities
  • Parents and families
  • Staff
  • Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
  • Safeguarding children