Your satisfaction with how we managed your flooding enquiry

Closed 31 Dec 2023

Opened 6 Mar 2023


Surrey County Council is committed to delivering excellent service to you. 

Flooding can happen anywhere in Surrey, whether near to watercourses or not. The drainage system sometimes can't cope with the magnitude of water that collects on surrounding surfaces, especially when they are already saturated with large quantities of water. Flooding can be caused by cracks in broken pipes owned by water companies and heavier than normal rainfall that causes water to run onto roads from fields and over-full rivers. It can also be caused by the collection of mud, leaves and other debris that block drains.

Help us improve our flooding enquiry service by answering a short survey.


Why your views matter

Your feedback is really important to enable us to continuously review our services. It’s how we learn what we’re doing right, and what we need to work on. 

Data Protection Information

We will only use your personal data and information you have provided in relation to the purpose for which it was collected. We may share it with partner organisations, but only to help provide the service that you have requested. We treat all information that we collect in accordance with our privacy policies.


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