A31 Farnham Road Speed Limit Changes and Banned Left Turn Proposals

Closed 22 Sep 2023

Opened 25 Aug 2023


Thank you for your interest in our Speed Limit Changes and Banned Left Turn Proposalsproposals on A31, Farnham Road.

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means that we need to allow objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decision is reached about whether or not to go ahead with our preferred scheme in its current form.

The proposal:

Proposed reduction of the existing 40 mile per hour speed limit to a 30 mile per hour speed limit on a length of the A31 Farnham Road at Guildford

In 1965 a 40 mile per hour speed limit was introduced on that length of the A31 Farnham Road which extends from its junction with Scillonian Road (D4018) south-westwards and then westwards to its junction with High View Road (D4017) by virtue of The London Traffic (40 m.p.h. Speed Limit) (No. 26) Order, 1965. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the abolition of the former London Traffic Area, the various re-organisations affecting the former Ministry of Transport since 1965 (in this case now forming part of the Department for Transport), the necessary transfer of paper files and anyone who would still be employed by the Department for Transport who was involved with the processing and making of this Order such a long time ago, it is no longer possible to locate any documents in connection with the reasons for the imposition of this 40 mile per hour speed limit, other than a copy of the actual Order itself which imposes the actual speed limit. Although this length of the A31 Farnham Road is street lit, the effect of the above-mentioned Order of 1965 is to dis-apply the “automatic” 30 mile per hour speed limit that would normally apply by virtue of the provisions of Section 84(3) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

However, during the last financial year, there have been a number of additional new requests for the reduction of speed limits on certain roads, one of which was for the extension of the existing 30 mile per hour speed limit on a section of the A31 Farnham Road at Guildford. At the March 2022 meeting of the Guildford Joint Committee (consisting of elected members of both Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council), elected members agreed to include this (and several other road safety schemes) in the 2022/23 programme. Speed limits can help to reduce accidents and improve safety for all road users. It has been shown that the slower a vehicle is travelling then the less likelihood there is of a serious or fatal injury occurring. It is expected that by extending the existing 30 miles per hour speed limit on the A31 Farnham Road that this will contribute to improving road safety and improving the environment in the vicinity. Following a request from the Guildford South-West County Councillor and local residents’ to extend the existing 30 mile per hour speed limit on an additional section of the A31 Farnham Road, the Surrey County Council engineers discussed this request with the Police. There are several side roads that join the affected section of the A31 Farnham Road and some drivers have expressed their concerns regarding the speed of some vehicles on that section of the A31 Farnham Road where they have difficulty exiting the side roads into the A31 Farnham Road. The above-mentioned proposal will be advertised in the local press (The Surrey Advertiser). County and Borough Councillors and the Borough Council itself and stakeholders will also be consulted. The Police will also be formally consulted, though they have already indicated that they would not formally object to the proposal.

Proposed banning of the left-hand turn by all vehicular traffic from the A31 Farnham Road into The Drive (D4017) at Guildford

It is also proposed to prohibit the left-hand turn from the A31 Farnham Road into The Drive (D4017) on safety grounds following an assessment of the geometry of the two roads concerned. As indicated above, The Drive is numbered as a “D” road with a 30 mile per hour speed limit and has a two-way traffic flow. Drivers of vehicles are having difficulty turning into The Drive (D4017) from the A31 Farnham Road due to the acute angle of the turn that has to be made so as to enter The Drive (D4017). This position can potentially create a safety hazard to other motorists and, additionally, to other road users. Consequently, following the assessment and in consultation with the Surrey Police, it is proposed to prohibit the left-hand turn from the A31 Farnham Road into The Drive (D4017).

The alternative route for vehicles wanting to turn left into The Drive (D4017) from the A31 Farnham Road is to turn left into Friars Gate (D4018) instead and proceed into Curling Vale (D4018) and Litchfield Way (D4017) to reach the junction of that road with The Crossways (D4017), Manor Way (D4017) and The Drive (D4017).

The above-mentioned proposals will be advertised in the local press (The Surrey Advertiser). County and Borough Councillors and the Borough Council itself and stakeholders will also be consulted. The Police will also be formally consulted, though they have already indicated that they would not formally object to the proposals.

If you would like to object, support, or comment on the proposal, please use the Online Survey linked at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, write to:

TTRO Team, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ

by 22nd September 2023

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What happens next

The comments and objections will be considered.. 



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