Explore Surrey Countryside Visitor Survey
Surrey County Council looks after approximately 10,000 acres of Surrey’s beautiful countryside - we call this Surrey’s Countryside Estate.
We are always looking to listen and learn from our visitors about how they enjoy our countryside spaces, including what they value most about their visits and how we can improve their overall experience. By sharing your thoughts with us through this short Visitor Survey, you can help us to tailor our future approach to management and guide us in how we can best use our limited resources across the vast countryside estate.
The survey is open until 30th May 2025. It should take around 10 minutes to complete.
While you may visit many of our countryside spaces, this survey will ask you to focus on the site you are visiting today or the site you visit the most. You are very welcome to complete this survey multiple times if you would like share your thoughts about multiple sites across the estate.
You can find our accessibility policy here. An Easy Read version of the survey can be found in the related documents section at the bottom of this page. If you require the survey in a different format, language or in hard copy (including a stamped addressed envelope to return the survey), please contact Surrey County Council as follows:
- Telephone: 03456 009 009 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
- Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 03456 009 009
- Telephone from overseas: +44 20 8541 9944 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
- SMS: 07860 053 465
- VRS: Sign Language Video Relay Service
All responses are strictly confidential, and your data will be used in-line with our data protection policy which can be found online: Your information and privacy - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk) and the Countryside Visitors Services Team Privacy Notice.
Give us your views
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Natural Environment
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