Potters Lane, Send - Prohibition of Waiting Proposal

Closed 8 Mar 2024

Opened 23 Feb 2024


Thank you for your interest in our prohibition of waiting proposals on Potters Lane, Send. 

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means that we need to allow objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decision is reached about whether or not to go ahead with our preferred scheme in its current form.

The proposal:

It is proposed to, in order to be able to provide two new vehicular accesses to the new development referred to above and situated on land adjacent to Pembroke House, 54 Potters Lane, Send, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7AL, to impose a prohibition on the waiting by vehicles applying at any time of the day or night throughout the week (double yellow lines) on that length of the west side of Potters Lane (D232) Send which extends from a point 11 metres north of a point opposite the common boundary of “The Haven”, No. 31 and No. 29 Potters Lane southwards for a distance of approximately 113 metres to a point 1 metre south of a point opposite the north-westernmost wall of “Copsley” No. 58 Potters Lane.

This will assist in keeping the two new vehicular entrances clear of parked vehicles at any time and prevent overspill parking in the immediate vicinity of the new development.

If you would like to object, support, or comment on the proposal, please use the Online Survey linked at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, write to:

Ms L Monie at Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ

by 8th March 2024

Data Protection Information

We will only use your personal data and information you have provided in relation to the purpose for which it was collected. We may share it with partner organisations, but only in order to help provide the service that you have requested. We treat all information that we collect in accordance with our privacy policies.

What happens next

The comments and objections will be considered.. 



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