Station Road North, Egham - Prohibition of Vehicles No.1

Closed 23 Dec 2022

Opened 25 Nov 2022

Results updated 19 Jan 2023

The Orders for the Station Road North, Egham, Prohibition of Traffic No. 1 and No. 2 have both been made.



Thank you for your interest in our Prohibition of Vehicles proposals in Station Road North, Egham. 

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means that we need to allow objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decision is reached about whether or not to go ahead with our preferred scheme in its current form.

The proposal:

The purpose of this report is to detail the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which needs to be made to facilitate the delivery of the redevelopment of Egham Gateway/Magna Square within Egham Town Centre. The site is located on either side of Station Road North and is bordered by High Street and Church Road. The TRO is sought to enable improved pedestrian facilities and access to the town centre as well as the provision of a high-quality urban environment as part of the major public realm improvements to Egham Town Centre.

The redevelopment was agreed under planning permission ref: RU.19/0437 on 7th November 2019 for:

Proposed mixed use redevelopment of the site following the demolition
of the existing buildings (and the retention of 8 Station Road North)
and the erection of new buildings to provide residential
accommodation (Use Class C3), cinema (Use Class D2), retail units
(Use Class A1-A4), and student accommodation (Sui Generis),
together with car parking, highway improvements and public realm
enhancements and the proposed change of use of No. 7 Church Road
from residential (Use Class C3) to office (Use Class B1).

Reasons for recommendations

The partial pedestrianisation and amendments to parking within Station Road North, including provision of a restricted parking zone, and on amendments to parking restrictions and bays on High Street, are sought to enable improvements for pedestrian access to the town centre, as well as the provision of a high-quality urban environment as part of the major public realm improvements to Egham Town Centre.


A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is the legal instrument by which Highway Authorities implement most traffic management controls on their roads under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984. 1.2 The proposal is to introduce a TRO which creates the following restrictions:

a) Refresh double yellow lines at the amended junction between High Street and Station Road North – retaining restrictions on either side of the Station Road North/High Street junction southern and northern sides, to include the retention of a single parking bay.

b) New double yellow lines to be provided on the new access to the site from Church Road to tie into existing double yellow lines on Church Road

c) Provision of a pedestrian zone from Church Road to a distance approximately 130 metres into Station Road spanning the width of the new “public realm” area, approximately 60 metres wide for this length of Station Road North. To be secured using rising bollards.

d) Provision of “No vehicles except for access” restriction on the western access road approximately 60 metres from the 90-degree bend in Station Road North, to be secured through the use of rising bollards.

e) Restricted parking zone on Station Road North “no loading at any time except in signed bays” to extend from the junction between Station Road North and High Street and extending south approximately 220 metres to the proposed pedestrian zone and the western access road.

f) New loading bay on Station Road North (restrictions – Loading only) on the western side beginning approximately 38 metres south of the junction between High Street and Station Road North and extending south for approximately 80 metres.

g) Four new disabled parking bays on the eastern side of Station Road North (restrictions – 3 hours, no return within 1 hour) located opposite the loading bay.

h) Six new public parking bays on the eastern side of Station Road North (restrictions – Mon – Sat, 08:00 – 19:00, 30 mins, no return within 30 mins) located opposite the loading bay

1. Access to authorised vehicles would be controlled in the same manner as the existing rising bollard arrangements located on High Street.

2. Authorised vehicles would include, service vehicles, those from developments which have off-street parking accessed from the affected roads, and disabled drivers (blue badge holders).

3. Station Road North has previously been a well-used on street parking area, with loading and unloading occurring on street together with deliveries and servicing for retail and other related land uses. Parking bays have typically not been enforced and this has resulted in haphazard parking arrangements and frequent waiting of vehicles in the carriageway/vehicles turning to exit.

4. It should be noted that a new development located on the northern side of High Street is likely to result in additional amendments to High Street infrastructure, however these will not require the removal of the proposed works.


Egham Town Centre is going through a period of major transformation. The Borough Council has made a substantial investment in improvements to the public realm. The redevelopment of Magna Square and Station Road North is to deliver improvements to the transport infrastructure and public realm for the town centre, which seek to secure the long-term vitality of the local economy.

The reduction in parking spaces provided for public use has been considered in detail during the planning application and has been confirmed using parking stress surveys and surveys of other public car parks as unlikely to result in significant overspill into other areas.

If you would like to object, support, or comment on the proposal, please use the Online Survey linked at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, write to:

Transport Development Planning, Surrey County Council, 3rd Floor, Quadrant Court, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7QQ

by 23 December 2022.

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What happens next

The comments and objections will be considered.. 



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