Traffic camera enforcement consultation Sunbury Roundabout, junction of Staines Road West and Westbound offslip of M3 and A316

Closed 17 May 2024

Opened 5 Apr 2024


Thank you for coming to our online survey to tell us your thoughts on our yellow box junction enforcement cameras consultation.

We strongly recomment that you read our Consultation support webpage before answering the survey.

We will consider all the comments and objections that we receive about these proposals before making a final decision about how to proceed, after which we will publish a summary of the comments and objections and the outcomes on our website.

Please note that we will not be looking at these responses in detail until after the deadline for making comments has passed, so please do not include questions or queries in your response.

Data Protection Information

We will only use your personal data and information you have provided in relation to the purpose for which it was collected. We may share it with partner organisations, but only in order to help provide the service that you have requested. We will treat all information that we collect in accordance with our privacy policies

Completing the questionaire should take no more than 5 minutes.

Why your views matter

This questionnaire will give you an opportunity to state your support or objection to our plans to apply enforcement cameras on Sunbury Cross roundabout at the junctions of Staines Road West and the M3/A316 Westbound off slip.

What happens next

We will await all response by the deadline indicated and look at your feeback to publish a summary of comments, objections and outcomes on our website.


  • Spelthorne


  • All Surrey residents


  • Highways