Various Roads in Runnymede and Surrey Heath Speed Limit Proposals

Closed 24 Feb 2023

Opened 27 Jan 2023


Thank you for your interest in our Speed Limit proposals in Various Roads in Runnymede and Surrey Heath. 

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means that we need to allow objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decision is reached about whether or not to go ahead with our preferred scheme in its current form.

The proposal:

Residents and local members have raised concerns about road safety, and the appropriateness of the existing speed limit, in various adjoining lengths of road in the Longcross and Ottershaw area. These include Longcross Road, Stonehill Road (Runnymede section), Accommodation Road, Kitsmead Lane (section subject to 60mph speed limit) and Chobham Lane. These lengths of road are all single carriageway, rural in nature and currently subject to national speed limit (60mph). Several of the roads, and the junctions along them, have previously been considered by the Runnymede Road Safety Working Group after having been identified as having a poor safety record. In response to the concerns raised, the Runnymede Joint Committee agreed a speed limit assessment should be undertaken (as part of the Runnymede 2022/23 integrated transport scheme programme) to assess whether it would be appropriate to reduce the speed limits in these roads.

A speed limit assessment has been completed in accordance with Surrey County Council’s Setting Local Speed Limits policy. As part of this process, speed surveys were carried out at various locations in each of the roads. The findings of the assessment indicate the proposed reductions in speed limit shown on the attached plan are appropriate, and the Police have indicated support for these proposals.

The initial extents of the assessment have been extended to also include a proposed reduction in speed limit from 60mph to 40mph over a short length of road of Staple Hill Road (near its junction with Longcross Road) and over the adopted section of Burma Road. This will help minimise the environmental impacts of the scheme by reducing the number of new posts and signs that are required. It will also help reduce the speed of vehicles entering and exiting Staple Hill Road at its junction with Longcross Road. Speed surveys were not carried out on Burma Road as it is a cul-de-sac with only limited traffic associated with the development, nor were they carried out on the very short section of Staple Hill Road close to the junction with Longcross Road.

As noted on the plan, it is proposed that the speed limit is increased from 30mph to 40mph at the roundabout on Chobham Lane at the access to Longcross Studios. Prior to the introduction of the roundabout this section of road was unlit. However, when the roundabout was introduced streetlighting was installed. The number of columns, and the spacing between them, mean they constitute a system of street lighting which automatically introduces a 30mph speed limit. This was not identified at the time and there is currently no signing to indicate the 30mph speed limit at the roundabout. As part of the scheme, it is therefore proposed that the speed limit at the roundabout should be increased to 40mph. This will mean it is consistent with the proposed speed limit to the west of the roundabout and will avoid several changes in speed limit over a short length of road which can be potentially confusing for drivers (and is the reason why the county council’s speed limit policy recommends a minimum length of 600m for any speed limit).

The proposals (which are shown on the attached plan) will help to improve road safety and will ensure that the roads are subject to speed limits that are appropriate and consistent with Surrey County Council’s Setting Local Speed Limits Policy.

If you would like to object, support, or comment on the proposal, please use the Online Survey linked at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, write to:

TRO Team, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7Q

by 24 February 2023.

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What happens next

The comments and objections will be considered.. 



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