School Travel Plan Effectiveness | Pre-Project Thoughts
Surrey County Council (SCC) and University of Surrey (UoS) are collaborating on a project to understand what makes an effective school travel plan in Surrey. The project runs over several phases from December 2024 to 31st March 2024.
On the eve of the launch of this project we are running a very short, internal survey to capture pre-project ideas, thoughts and definitions.
The aim is to create an opportunity to (i) gather our own definitions and thoughts on School Travel Plan Effectiveness at a "pre-project" stage, which in turn - it is hoped - will allow an opportunity for (ii) reflections on these definitions and thoughts at a future "post-project" stage.
It would be greatly appreciated if responses can be completed by midnight Monday 11th November 2024.
All questions are voluntary and all responses are anonymous.
Your participation will assist towards a greater understanding of the project, in contextualising its progress, its potential limitations and contributions, and to reflect on the overall outcome.
Many thanks.
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