Adult Social Care (ASC) Travel Policy - Research Survey

Closed 13 Nov 2023

Opened 10 Oct 2023


Surrey County Council are currently reviewing the travel information that is available to people accessing Adult Social Care (ASC). This includes details regarding the council’s statutory duties, the process that Adult Social Care follow and the community options that are available to all residents.

The review has highlighted the need to have a new ASC Travel Policy for people who access ASC services, which is available in a range of formats and is easy to access both on the Surrey County Council website and elsewhere.

Therefore, as a person receiving support from Adult Social Care, the family member / carer of someone using these services, or another interested party, we would like your help in shaping the new ASC Travel Policy. 

This research survey is intended to gather information about people’s experiences of finding information and accessing different travel options. As well as implementing statutory requirements, this process will help inform what the policy could include in order to promote people’s independence, choice and control around travel.

Once a draft policy has been developed a formal consultation will follow, so, at this stage we are simply trying to ensure that we have a greater understanding of people’s experiences.

This survey will be open until Monday 13th November 2023.

To increase accessibility, and help ensure everyone has a voice, alternative versions of the ASC Travel Policy Research Survey are available below in the related documents section. If you need a hard copy of any of the alternative formats, please contact us using details provided on this page.

If you have any queries or comments you can contact us by email.


  • All Areas


  • Social care service users
  • People who use social care services


  • Social care service users
  • People who use social care services