Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form – School Admission Arrangements Consultation 2016
The law says that Surrey County Council must keep records to show that we do not discriminate against people because of their personal or cultural differences. Surrey County Council is committed to tackling all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination. We aim to provide equality of access and opportunity both as an employer and with respect to services we deliver. In order to develop policies and practices that are fair to all, we need to ensure that we are hearing views from all groups within our society. Please help us to monitor our performance by taking a few minutes to answer the questions below.
The information collected is anonymous and confidential and cannot be traced back to individuals. This information will only be used to illustrate the degree to which the people we have received feedback from represent the make up of Surrey as a whole and to understand if any of the feedback eg dissatisfaction is particular to specific groups of people.
If you are questioning the relationship between the aims of this survey and the questions asked, please remember that the primary aim of monitoring is to understand the composition of the group of people that participated in this exercise.
- All Areas
- Parents
- Councillors, MPs
- Carers
- Headteachers
- Schools
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