Your Experience of Returning to Surrey 2023

Closed 31 Jan 2024

Opened 2 Jan 2024


Please Note:

If you are under 13 years old please complete this survey with the support of your social worker, or a parent/carer (the survey will skip to the end page if you are under 13 years old and attempt to complete the survey without support).  

If you are 13 years or older, by completing this survey you are giving the Council permission to collect your responses that will constitute data. Please see below for further information on exactly how your responses will be used.


The Council has a legal duty under the Children Act 1989 to improve outcomes for looked after children and to have enough accommodation that meets children’s needs.  We want to find out how we can improve the way we support children and young people and we would like to ask for your help with this by completing a survey.   You don’t have to take part in the survey, but if you do want to then please read the information below.

Why are we doing the survey

We want to get children and young people’s views and feedback about the placements they have had so that we can understand what is working well and what could be improved. This will help us to plan and improve our services in the future.

What information do we want to use – We will ask for:

  • your name
  • your opinions on your placements including what you liked and what you did not like
  • your opinions on your transition back to Surrey and the support you received

We are asking for your name because we will also look at the information we hold about where you were placed, how long you were placed for, what placements you were in before and are living in now  This will help us to understand more about your experience.

Who will see my information

The Coming Home team will see your personal information, and they will keep the information stored safely on their computer system. 

We will use the information from the survey to look for patterns in experiences, and we will analyse the data we receive in order to create a report which will be shared with other teams in the Council who provide support for looked after children, and with some of our accommodation providers. We will not include your name in any of the data presented, and no-one will know that the answers have come from you, unless there are any safeguarding risks identified, in which case we have a duty to pass this information on to the relevant management to explore if anything needs further investigation.  This report will help staff and the Council to keep improving our services and practice.

How long will you keep the information for 

We will delete your personal information in the survey response as soon as we no longer need it – this will be one month from the date that the survey is completed, or until the 31st March 2024, whichever comes first.

What if I change my mind?

You can change your mind at any time, let the Coming Home team know by emailing or tell your Social Worker and we will delete your survey response.

There is more information about how we look after your information and your rights here:

Please note that this survey closes on Wednesday 31st January 2024.

For any enquiries related to this research please contact the Coming Home Project Manager, Sophie Taylor (contact details to the right).


  • All Areas


  • Young people
  • Children in care
  • Social workers
  • Youth workers
  • Health professionals working with children


  • 0-5 year olds
  • 6-11 year olds
  • 12-19 year olds
  • 20-25 year olds
  • Looked After Children and Care Leavers