After School Short Breaks for Disabled Children (SEN school based)

Closed 8 Feb 2015

Opened 5 Jan 2015


Since 2009, as part of the ‘Aiming High for Disabled Children’ and Short Breaks Programme, Surrey County Council has supported the development of a wide range of short break services for disabled children and young people and their families in Surrey.  This includes a range of after school and holiday provision delivered in partnership with Surrey Special Schools.

Evaluations have shown the value families place on these services. However, it is important that we ensure services continue to meet needs and provide value for money. It is therefore vital that services commissioned by the Short Breaks Team are regularly reviewed in order to ensure they are achieving the best outcomes for disabled children and young people in Surrey.

This survey therefore plans to explore parents and carers of disabled children and young people's views of the after school short break provision currently available through Short Break funding at SEN schools in Surrey.

This survey focuses on the views of parents and carers of children and young people that are students at the following Surrey SEN schools:

Brooklands School

Clifton Hill School

Freemantles School

Linden Bridge School

Manor Mead School

Pond Meadow School

Portesbery School

Ridgeway Community School

Walton Leigh School

Woodlands School

However, parents and carers of children at other SEN schools in Surrey may still complete the survey if they wish to.

To begin the survey, please click on the link below:


  • All Areas


  • Parents
  • Children with disabilities
  • Carers


  • 6-11 year olds
  • 12-19 year olds
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Disabilities
  • Parents and families