SEND Advice Surrey Service Feedback Form - September 2023 parents v2.1
All SENDIAS services in the country are required to ask our service users for feedback. Service user feedback is so important for us to be able to report on the value and outcomes of SENDIAS services and to help build a national picture of successes and challenges directly from service users to report back to the DfE, IASP and others. As a team we would like to improve the service we offer so will be using the feedback to improve how we support families in Surrey.
Please remember we are the Information, Advice and Support Service and NOT the area SEN Team's.
- All Areas
- Young people
- Children in care
- Parents
- Teachers
- Social workers
- Youth workers
- Health professionals working with children
- Councillors, MPs
- Children with disabilities
- CSF staff
- Carers
- Headteachers
- Health providers
- Clinical commissioning groups
- Children's Centres
- Employers
- Care Leavers
- Waste management stakeholders
- SCC staff
- District and borough council staff
- Voluntary, community and faith sector organisations
- HR staff
- Adults Social Care staff
- Social care service users
- People who use social care services
- Users of Surrey pharmacies
- Community pharmacies
- Dispensing doctors
- GPs
- Healthcare providers
- Representatives and individuals with an interest in Surrey pharmacy services
- All Surrey residents
- Surrey businesses
- Schools
- 0-5 year olds
- 6-11 year olds
- 12-19 year olds
- 20-25 year olds
- Special Educational Needs
- Disabilities
- Parents and families
- SCC staff
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