Commissioning Strategy for Speech & Language Therapy Services (for Children and Young People)
This paper outlines the proposals for a three year joint commissioning strategy for the delivery of Speech and Language therapy (SLT) provision for 0-19 year olds (19-25 with SEND) living in Surrey. The strategy sets out to realign provision to meet the commissioning responsibilities and intentions of Surrey’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG), Surrey County Council (SCC) and other partners who may wish to procure services to meet the speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) of children in Surrey. The specific focus on this paper is on Speech and Language Therapy services as a specialist resource within this context.
Please view our draft strategy under "Related Documents" below.
- All Areas
- Young people
- Children in care
- Parents
- Teachers
- Social workers
- Youth workers
- Health professionals working with children
- Councillors, MPs
- Children with disabilities
- CSF staff
- Carers
- Headteachers
- Health providers
- Clinical commissioning groups
- Children's Centres
- Employers
- SCC staff
- Voluntary, community and faith sector organisations
- HR staff
- Adults Social Care staff
- Users of Surrey pharmacies
- Community pharmacies
- Dispensing doctors
- GPs
- Healthcare providers
- Representatives and individuals with an interest in Surrey pharmacy services
- All Surrey residents
- 0-5 year olds
- 6-11 year olds
- 12-19 year olds
- 20-25 year olds
- Commissioning
- Special Educational Needs
- Disabilities
- Parents and families
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