SSTAT home to school equipment survey

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Closes 14 Feb 2025


1. What is your organisation?
2. Do you source 100% of car seats from SSTAT, for use on school routes?
3. Do you purchase any car seats for use on SSTAT contracts and then hold onto these seats at the end of the contract?
4. If yes, roughly how many car seats would you say you have purchased for use on SSTAT contracts?
5. Do you use car seats supplied by parents, on SSTAT school routes?
6. If you use parents car seats permanently, on approx. how many routes do you do this?
7. Do you use any other equipment on school routes? Please select all relevant.
8. Have you purchased any of this equipment yourselves, and if so, roughly how much?
9. Do you currently supply seat belt cutters for any of your routes? If so, Approx. how many?
10. What do you do with car seats and equipment once the contract finishes/is terminated? Please select all relevant.