Stoughton Infant School

Closed 15 Aug 2014

Opened 3 Jul 2014

Feedback updated 26 Oct 2017

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand Stoughton Infant School to a three form entry infant school from September 2015, with a published admission number (PAN) of 90 and a total of 270 infant places?

You said

There were three responses to the consultation: two responses agreed with the proposal; one did not say either way. One comment raised concern about traffic and parking outside the school on Grange Road and the impact on local residents.

We did

The Cabinet Member has given approval of the Statutory Notice, and the proposal to permanently expand Stoughton Infant School from September 2015 confirmed. A permanent planning application for the modular classroom will be pursued and determined in accordance with relevant planning legislation.

Results updated 26 Oct 2017

Surrey County Council has carried out a consultation with relevant stakeholders and issued consultation documentation. Two public meetings were held at the school, after which Statutory Notices were issued. Less than 15 people in total attended the two public meetings.

There were three responses to the consultation; two respondents agreed with the proposal; one did not indicate either way.

The response rate to the consultation was very low but not untypical for consultation exercises of this nature.

Although attendance at the two public meetings was relatively small, there was plenty of opportunity for discussion in these meetings and parents and residents made their views known. It may be that the consultation information provided to parents and other stakeholders was sufficient in addition to the meeting so that they did not feel a need to formally respond.

One comment was received raising concern about traffic and parking in the area outside the school on Grange Road and that consideration should be given to the impact on local residents prior to making a decision.

The permanent planning application will draw out specific aspects of the traffic and access issues related to Stoughton Infant School. It is worth noting that almost all children currently attending the school live within 1.5km of the school site and many live within a few hundred metres. More places at Stoughton Infant School will increase numbers of children in the immediate area offered a place at their nearest school, thus reducing car journeys to alternative schools further afield.

A further requirement for the planning application is a revised travel plan which will include strategies for reduction of car journeys and increases in sustainable modes of transport.

The Surrey County Council Member for Schools and Learning has reviewed the comments made during the consultation period and has approved that the expansion proceeds.





Surrey County Council and Stoughton Infant School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for primary school places in Guildford and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future.

Our proposal is that Stoughton Infant School expands from a two form entry (2FE) infant school to three form entry (3FE).  The school in its new form would be designed to serve children across north and east Guildford.  The school would expand from the current two form entry (2FE) with Published Admission Number (PAN) of 60 to an infant school with a PAN of 90. The school would admit 90 pupils in Reception. The total capacity of the school would be permanently increased from 180 to 270 pupils.

Subject to consultation, this proposal will become effective from September 2015. Additional accommodation will be provided at the school to cater for the additional pupils joining the school. This expansion will be funded by the Government’s Targeted Basic Need programme.

Why your views matter

We are now undertaking a consultation on these proposals for Stoughton Infant School.  On Friday 18 July statutory notices stating the intention to expand the school were published.

The Related Documents below contain the detailed proposal alongside the full and edited statutory notices.

Please let us know what you think about the proposals

- either by completing the Online Survey

- or by using the response form in the Related Documents below.

The deadline for returning/submitting consultation responses is midday on Friday 15 August 2014.


  • Guildford


  • Young people
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Councillors, MPs
  • Headteachers


  • Schools
  • 0-5 year olds
  • 6-11 year olds
  • 12-19 year olds
  • Commissioning
  • Parents and families