Worplesdon Primary School

Closed 15 Aug 2014

Opened 3 Jul 2014

Feedback updated 24 Oct 2017

We asked

Do you agree with the proposal to expand the junior provision at Worplesdon Primary School by one form of entry to three forms of entry from September 2016, with a published admission number (PAN) of 30 junior places. The PAN of Reception will remain at 60. The school would have overall capacity of 180 (Years R, 1, 2) + 360 (Years 3-6).

You said

There were 50 responses to the consultation: 21 responses agreed with the proposal; 18 responses disagreed; 11 responses one did not say either way. Thirty-five comments raised concern about traffic on the estate; 25 comments raised concern about parking; 16 comments raised concern about traffic on the main road. Other concerns included: the proposed size of the new school, staff parking, future expansion of the site, size of kitchen and other communal areas, noise from children, access for buses and emergency vehicles, building planning concerns, loss of green space, pollution levels and the ability to deliver the building project within the required timescales.

We did

The Cabinet Member has given approval of the Statutory Notice, and the proposal to permanently expand Worplesdon Primary School from September 2016 confirmed. A permanent planning application for the required building works will be pursued and determined in accordance with relevant planning legislation.

Results updated 24 Oct 2017

Surrey County Council has carried out a consultation with relevant stakeholders and issued consultation documentation regarding the proposal to expand the junior provision at Worplesdon Primary School by one form of entry, to three forms of entry in September 2016.

The education consultation period was from 3 July 2014 to 15 August 2014. There were also two public meetings held at the school on 14 July 2014, after which Statutory Notices were issued. In excess of 50 people in total attended the public meeting, including parents, residents and other interested parties.

A total of 50 formal written responses were received during the consultation via the Surrey Says website, post and email. The responses included 26 from local residents and 16 from parents.

The response rate to the consultation was fairly high for consultation exercises of this nature.

There was consensus through the consultation responses and the public meetings that additional school places are needed within the local area. However concern was raised at both the public meeting and in the written responses to the proposed expansion particularly with regard to traffic and parking.

Of the 50 written responses, 21 agreed with the proposal to expand the school, 18 disagreed with the proposal to expand the school and 11 did not know or offer a position.

Of the 18 responses that disagreed with the proposal, 14 explained that they were in support of the need for more places at the school but disagreed on the grounds of the traffic and parking concerns.

Concern about the proposal can be summarised in three areas:

Size of school - concerns over the increase in size of the school and the impact on teaching and learning.  The head teacher and governing body fully support the proposal and are confident that teaching and learning standards and the ethos of the school will be maintained.

New building/facilities - concerns over proposed two storey building which might overlook neighbouring properties or be intimidating for younger children; loss of outdoor space; whether kitchen and library are large enough.  Experienced architects are carefully considering building design and position, and working with planners to ensure optimal building design and minimal loss of outdoor space.  The school is confident that kitchen and other communal facilities will be able to cope with increased number of children.  The school hall will be expanded, which will increased dining space.

Traffic, access and parking - the school is on a residential estate with one point of access to the busy A323.  There are ongoing issues regarding parking and traffic at drop off and pick up.  A number of suggestions were raised at the public meeting and in the responses, e.g. designated drop off/pick up, bus service, walking bus, and improving other routes (e.g. footpaths and crossing points).  The development programme will consult with the highways department, and a detailed travel survey prepared.  This widely held concern will be address through the planning application process.

The Surrey County Council Member for Schools and Learning has reviewed the comments made during the consultation period and has approved that the expansion proceeds.




Surrey County Council and Worplesdon Primary School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for primary school places in west Guildford and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future.

Our proposal is that Worplesdon Primary School changes from a two form entry primary school to a two form entry primary school with three forms of entry at Key Stage 2. The school in its new form would be designed to serve children across the west Guildford area.

This proposal would create an additional 120 places at the school in total, but not all of those school places will be available at once. The school will increase from Year 3, starting in September 2016 and will not reach full capacity until September 2019.


Why your views matter

We are now undertaking a consultation on these proposals for Worplesdon Primary School.  On Friday 18 July statutory notices stating the intention to expand the school were published.

The Related Documents below contain the detailed proposal alongside the full and edited statutory notices.

Please let us know what you think about the proposals

- either by completing the Online Survey

- or by using the response form in the Related Documents below.

The deadline for returning/submitting consultation responses is midday on Friday 15 August 2014.


  • Guildford


  • Young people
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Councillors, MPs
  • Headteachers


  • Schools
  • 0-5 year olds
  • 6-11 year olds
  • Parents and families
  • Staff