St Josephs School, Linkfield Lane Proposed Zebra Crossing & Road Safety Improvements

Closed 10 Jun 2024

Opened 20 May 2024

Results expected 28 Jun 2024

Feedback updated 24 Jun 2024

We asked

You to share your thoughts on proposals to implement a Raised Zebra Crossing with additional Parking Controls on Linkfield Lane, to improve safety and accessibility for children and families walking and cycling to St Josephs Catholic Primary School. 

You said

There were 269 responses to the informal consultation.

Raised Zebra Crossing

87% Fully Support

7%   Don’t Support

5%   Other


Parking Controls

78% Fully Support

11%  Don’t Support

10%  Other





We did

Following on from this informal consultation, with the local community and discussions with Local County Councillor Natalie Bramhall, Surrey County Council's Highway Service will be proceeding with the implementation of the Raised Zebra Crossing and Parking Controls. 

Due to comments made by various respondents, we will be making one small change to the proposed Parking Controls.  We will be replacing the proposed Double Yellow Lines to the northwestern side of the school entrance with School Keep Clear Markings (25.6m)

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means we need to allow formal objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decsion is reached about whether or not to go ahead with the scheme. 

This Stautory Consultation will commence from Friday 28th June.  Information on how to object, support or comment on this scheme will be updated on this page on Friday 28th June. 



Thank you for coming to our online survey to tell us your thoughts on the Zebra crossing and Road Safety Proposals for St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Redhill. 


In September 2023, while crossing Linkfield Lane on their way to school, a grandmother and 2 children were involved in a collision.   Surrey County Council Road Safety Officers visited the school to assess the opportunities to improve the highway to make it safer to access the school. A feasibility study, funded by money allocated by Cllr Natalie Bramhall, recommended implementing a zebra crossing close to the school gates, widening the footway, and removing on-street parking in the vicinity of the school gates.  

The proposed road safety measures have the following objectives:

  • Improve pedestrian priority and accessibility, including making it easier to cross Linkfield Lane and access St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
  • Encourage more children and families to walk, cycle or scoot to school.
  • Remove the barriers to active travel to reduce congestion and air pollution at the school gates.

Proposed Works - A Plan is available to here:here

Raised Zebra Crossing

Zebra Crossings give priority to pedestrians, and drivers are required to stop and give way. 

We propose to introduce a 4m wide zebra crossing on a raised table on Linkfield Lane, near to the school gates.  The safety of pedestrians will be improved by the raised table as it will encourage drivers to reduce their speeds as they approach the zebra crossing.  The new levels will also provide a milder gradient for the crossing users, and will be beneficial for the visually/mobility impaired. 

To allow for the crossing to be installed, it will be necessary to implement white crossing zig zag markings to prevent cars from parking and obstructing visibility between children, families and motorists.

Parking Restrictions 

One of the key priorites of the scheme is to improve road safety in the area immediately outside the school.  To encourage more chldren and famlies to walk and cycle to school  we are proposing to introduce Double Yellow Lines on the school side of Linkfield Lane and remove the existing on-street parking facilities.  This will mean a loss of approximately 15 car parking spaces.  The loss of on-street parking must be balenced agaisnt the potential for improved safety on the area of the school.  

Removal of existing Lay-by/Improved Public Space

To facilitate a wider footway next to the zebra crossing, the existing bus parking lay-by will be removed.  Environmental enhancement measures will be introduced to create an improved public space for the benefit of all the community.  Examples of possible features:

  • Cycle Stands
  • Rain gardens with seat benches
  • Appropriate greenery/trees/biodiverse planting 






Why your views matter

Please use the online survey linked at the bottom of the page to leave your comments.

Please respond by Monday 10th June 2024 to have your say 

The views provided during the consultaton will be carefully considered together with comments recieved from other key stakeholders (such as the school and emergency services) before deciding how to proceed. 

Updated on the reslts of the consultation and the decision on how to proceed will be posed on this consultation webpage. 

We hope to implement the scheme during the summer 2024 holidays, at the same time as the planned road surfacing works for Linkfield Lane, thought the exact timing cannot yet be confirmed. 

Thank you very much for takng the time to read the above information. We hope you have found it helpful, and we look forward to recieving your views. 


  • Reigate and Banstead


  • Young people
  • Children in care
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Social workers
  • Youth workers
  • Health professionals working with children
  • Councillors, MPs
  • Children with disabilities
  • CSF staff
  • Carers
  • Headteachers
  • Health providers
  • Clinical commissioning groups
  • Children's Centres
  • Employers
  • Care Leavers
  • Waste management stakeholders
  • SCC staff
  • District and borough council staff
  • Voluntary, community and faith sector organisations
  • HR staff
  • Adults Social Care staff
  • Social care service users
  • People who use social care services
  • Users of Surrey pharmacies
  • Community pharmacies
  • Dispensing doctors
  • GPs
  • Healthcare providers
  • Representatives and individuals with an interest in Surrey pharmacy services
  • All Surrey residents
  • Surrey businesses


  • Highways