Notice of Tree Removal at Fairholme Road, TW15 2LL

Closed 27 Jun 2024

Opened 30 May 2024

Feedback updated 16 Jul 2024

We asked

If you had any objections to us removing the tree outside19 Fairholme Road.

You said

There were no objections to the tree's removal and there were two responses that supported its removal.

We did

We will reduce the tree to a 1m stump within the next 12 months.


Surrey County Council is consulting on the removal of this tree.  

The tree is proposed to be removed due to the tree's roots lifting the pavement and causing a trip hazard. We are unable to fix the pavement and retain the tree due to the extensive root growth causing a significant change in level of the footpath.


  • Spelthorne


  • All Surrey residents


  • Highways
  • Natural Environment