Dagley Lane Active Travel Scheme
Feedback updated 23 Sep 2021
We asked
Do you agree or disagree with the proposal for additional lighting, widening the path and creating a new surface on Dagley Lane as part of a proposed active travel scheme?
You said
Analysis of the results showed very little support for additional lighting, widening the path or adding a tarmac surface to Dagley Lane. Many residents were keen to keep Dagley Lane as natural as possible and there were concerns around disrupting the local wildlife. However, there was support for improving the surface of the path to improve accessibility, particularly at certain points where there are steps or excess mud.
We did
We have revised our proposals, removing additional lighting and a tarmac surface from plans. We will instead now use a gravel type surface that is more in keeping with the rural nature of Dagley Lane. The path will no longer be widened but some essential cutting back of areas that are very overgrown will take place. We will continue to work closely with Surrey Wildlife Trust who will assist us with delivering the scheme with minimal disruption to the environment.
Surrey County Council (SCC) is seeking the views of households in the vicinity of Dagley Lane in the relation to the proposed active travel scheme for the Dagley Lane National Cycle Network Route 22. Please see the Dagley Lane Consultation PDF linked at the bottom of this page under 'related documents' for futher information.
Currently, Dagley Lane lacks a tarmac surface. As a result, SCC is proposing to construct a 3-metre wide tarmac path to make it more accessible for cyclists as well as walkers. In wetter times of year, it currently can be impassable.
We have been working with the Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) to understand the sensitivities on wildlife in the location. SWT have been undertaking a number of wildlife animal surveys including bat surveys and have been guiding us on measures that would need be taken to mitigate impacts during construction, as well as impacts of the scheme’s infrastructure. Construction would only be carried out at certain times of year to minimise ecological impacts and vegetation cut back would be limited to just beyond the width of the proposed path.
In terms of the scheme’s infrastructure, lighting requires consideration from a wildlife perspective. Although the surveys are still in progress, SWT have been able to give us a reliable indication as to the times that artificial lighting would have an impact on wildlife. Based on their current findings and the likelihood of information of other wildlife, bats of which being the most sensitive, SWT have sufficient information to guide us on the design.
In order to cater for the majority of cycle and pedestrian users, but also be sensitive to wildlife and local residents, we are proposing a lighting regime as follows (although there would be capacity to alter the dates and times as required to address the most appropriate balance of different needs):
- 1 May to 30 September (Spring/Summer) – no lighting (lamp columns switched off). This allows for the period that bats emerge from hibernation, breeding and for bats to forage and feed in the lead up to the autumn. This is the period that bats are most active before the winter months and when avoiding additional artificial lighting would be most beneficial.
- 1 October to 30 April (Autumn/Winter) – limited lighting. Lighting would begin at dusk until 11pm and from 5am until dawn (majority of the night no lighting). The dusk and dawn times will vary over the months subject to daylight hours but will follow the same routine as usual street lighting (this is automated by the street lighting system). During this period many bat species are at the end of their feeding season and the limited lighting times enable only limited interrupted levels of darkness. The usual 11pm to 5am ‘off’ times would closely match the SCC general residential road (including Dagden Road) part night lighting regime.
This proposed lighting times will serve leisure cyclists and pedestrians all year round. Currently the route can be completely dark during early mornings and late afternoons/evenings during certain times of the year. A lack of lighting also limits the route’s attractiveness and can cause concern for personal security and safety. The latest national cycle infrastructure design guidance (LTN 1/20) highlights that routes that are free of motor traffic and remote from roads, should provide lighting as well as a sealed surface, to serve leisure cyclists throughout the year and provide a greater sense of personal security to users.
Why your views matter
You have been identified as a resident who lives close by to Dagley Lane. SCC are inviting you to fill out a short survey to submit your views. All responses will be kept strictly confidential and shared only with the immediate project team at SCC.
The survey will take five minutes to complete. Some questions are mandatory others are not compulsory to fill out, but your responses are welcomed.
Accessibility Statement
This survey is compatible with speech recognition software and screen readers. Screen Reader Accessible and Large Print versions of this survey can be found at the bottom of this page under ‘related documents’.
If you require this survey in an alternative format, please contact research@surreycc.gov.uk and we will do our best to assist you. For more information on the accessibility of Surrey Says, please see the Delib Accessibility Policy.
- Guildford
- All Surrey residents
- Highways
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