Sexual Health Services Survey

Closed 21 Mar 2018

Opened 27 Feb 2018


The implementation of an integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service in April 2017 has resulted in a substantial reconfiguration of the way these services are delivered in Surrey. Surrey County Council’s Adults and Health Select Committee has launched a Task Group to review how NHS England and the Council engaged with residents regarding the introduction of the new service and the changes arising from its implementation. As part of this review, the Task Group is eager to hear from patients, potential patients and stakeholders regarding how they were involved in the development and implementation of the new service to understand what lessons can be learned around effective public engagement. This survey is your chance to tell the Task Group anonymously how you were communicated with around the introduction of the new service thereby helping the Council and NHS England to recognise how it can engage more effectively in the future.

Feedback provided through this survey will be considered by Members of the Task Group . The Task Group welcomes your views and thanks you for taking the time to participate.


What happens next

The information gained through this survey will be considered in conjunction with other evidence received as part of the review and will synthesise its findings into a report that will be considered by the Adults and Health Select Committee at its meeting on 4 April 2018. Based on this report, the Select Committee may then make recommendations to Surrey County Council’s Cabinet and NHS England regarding how they engage around future changes in how services are delivered.


  • All Areas


  • Young people
  • Social care service users
  • Users of Surrey pharmacies
  • All Surrey residents


  • Health and wellbeing