Surrey Suicide Prevention Strategy Engagement

Closed 13 Sep 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024


The Suicide prevention strategy for England 2023 to 2028 was published in September 2023. The strategy sets out the government’s ambitions over the next 5 years to:

  • Reduce suicide rates
  • Improve support for people who have self-harmed
  • Improve support for people bereaved by suicide

It includes steps and actions from across government and a wide range of organisations to achieve these ambitions with the ultimate aim to reduce the suicide rate over the next 5 years – with initial reductions in half this time.

The strategy focuses on prevention and early intervention with a large focus on what more can be done by government, the NHS, wider local public services, businesses and community groups

In Surrey we have drafted a new suicide prevention strategy to reflect the national strategy and key priorities for Surrey based on the data, intelligence and learning work. In this strategy Surrey aims to reset how suicide prevention is developed and embedded across Surrey. 

In this strategy we emphasise that suicide prevention needs to be embedded across Surrey. Therefore, a key aspiration is to embed suicide prevention across Surrey so that: “Suicide Prevention is Everybody Business”

Why your views matter

The Surrey health system, social care providers, educational setting and local communities are encouraged to review the draft Surrey suicide prevention strategy and the action areas and give feedback on these.

In the strategy key actions have been set out and we seek views on who should be accountable for these action.

If you would prefer to have a 1:1 interview instead of complete this questionnaire, or require an accessible format, please email

Update 13 August 2024 - Initial updates. These are some of the initial significant changes that we will be making. 

  • We will be adding carers as a priority group
  • We will be updating the section on Autism and Neurodiversity
  • We will be reviewing the the Children and Young People section
  • We will be extending the engagement to Friday 13th September

We will also be making more changes in line with the engagement feedback.


  • All Areas


  • Young people
  • Children in care
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Social workers
  • Youth workers
  • Health professionals working with children
  • Councillors, MPs
  • Children with disabilities
  • CSF staff
  • Carers
  • Headteachers
  • Health providers
  • Clinical commissioning groups
  • Children's Centres
  • Employers
  • Care Leavers
  • Waste management stakeholders
  • SCC staff
  • District and borough council staff
  • Voluntary, community and faith sector organisations
  • HR staff
  • Adults Social Care staff
  • Social care service users
  • People who use social care services
  • Users of Surrey pharmacies
  • Community pharmacies
  • Dispensing doctors
  • GPs
  • Healthcare providers
  • Representatives and individuals with an interest in Surrey pharmacy services
  • All Surrey residents
  • Surrey businesses


  • Health and wellbeing