
Closed 4 Mar 2022

Opened 20 Dec 2021


Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire on Surrey’s 2050 Place Ambition.

Accessibility Statement

This survey is compatible with speech recognition software and screen readers. If you require this survey in an alternative format, please contact and we will do our best to assist you. 

For more information on the accessibility of Surrey Says, please see the Delib Accessibility Policy.


Surrey’s 2050 Place Ambition presents a long-term ambition and priorities for Surrey local authorities and their strategic partners[1]. The priorities and implementation framework set out what we want collectively to achieve over the next 30 years in terms of “good growth” and how we intend to deliver it.

There are real opportunities for Surrey to grow and become even more attractive as a place to live and work, but this needs to be done in a way that helps address the challenges around climate change, doesn’t put excessive pressure on our infrastructure, improves the overall quality of our environment and enables our economy to grow sustainably.

The Place Ambition has been developed by the Surrey Future partnership and is informed by and will be implemented through various local and countywide plans and strategies including district and borough local plans, climate change strategies, economic strategies, and the local transport plan. It does not replace any local proposals and priorities but is intended to promote a long term, co-ordinated and cross boundary approach to planning and managing the impacts of growth. The Place Ambition will be used to help shape projects we are working on together as well as seek the support of our wider sub-national partners and Government, particularly in relation to accessing additional funding and investment opportunities for infrastructure and to support a zero-carbon future.


[1] The eleven Surrey Districts and Boroughs and Surrey County Council are working together under the auspices of the Surrey Future Steering Board. Partners include the Coast to Capital and Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnerships, Gatwick Diamond Initiative and Surrey Nature Partnership


Why your views matter

Our vision is for a county of well-functioning and connected places, with healthy communities and a high quality of life. Through collaborative working, local authorities and partner agencies will seek positive and innovative solutions to shared challenges. 

To ensure a collective understanding of our spatial priorities and approach to delivering good growth we want to engage with our residents, especially our young people, and work with our communities, businesses, developers and partners on how to achieve them. Therefore, we are seeking your views on the draft Place Ambition. The questions are in two sections – specific elements of the documents where we want your input and views and questions about you.

The emerging Place Ambition Spatial Framework and supporting Implementation Framework are attached below. Please read through these before completing the survey.

Your feedback will be used to inform the direction and revise the draft Place Ambition and is greatly appreciated. The intention is that the final version will be agreed and endorsed by all Surrey local authorities and strategic partners making up the Surrey Future partnership in order to shape how we work together.

By completing this survey, you are consenting to the collection and storage of your data in line with our Data Protection Policy.

What happens next

All submitted response will be considered as part of the consultation.  The consultation is open until 4th March 2022. Final documents are planned to be published in Spring/Summer 2022. 


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