Westerham Road, Limpsfield - Puffin Crossing Proposal

Closed 3 Feb 2022

Opened 13 Jan 2022


Thank you for your interest in our puffin crossing proposals in Westerham Road

The legislation we must follow before introducing this scheme means that we need to allow objections and comments from the public to be considered before a final decision is reached about whether or not to go ahead with our preferred scheme in its current form.

The proposal:

It is proposed to provide a push button signal controlled pedestrian crossing on the A25 Westerham Road close to Limpsfield Infant School.  This will be an improvement to the existing two stage informal crossing, and two sets of push button traffic signals will be installed.  It is also proposed to provide speed reducing measures on the 30mph section of the A25 Westerham Road, Limpsfield between the junction with High Street and Wolfs Row and the 30mph/50mph speed limit change close to the allotment site.  These measures will consist of two new traffic islands in the central hatching between the junction with Ballards Lane and the 30mph/50mph speed limit change.  It is also proposed to make changes to the road markings on the A25 Westerham Road between the junction with Wolfs Hill and High Street and the junction with the B269 Kent Hatch Road.  These changes will provide on-street car parking spaces, move the existing cycle lane to the outside of the parking spaces and reduce the length of the right turn lane to the B269 Kent Hatch Road.

The scheme has been progressed in response to requests from Limpsfield Infant School for a push button crossing on the A25 Westerham Road and a desire to reduce vehicle speeds on the 30mph section of the A25 Westerham Road.  Tandridge Local Committee agreed at their meeting on 12 February 2021 that the design and construction of pedestrian crossing improvements and speed reducing measures on the A25 Westerham Road in Limpsfield form part of a programme of highway works in Tandridge for 2021/22. Tandridge District Council have agreed to partially fund these works from the Community Infrastructure Levy funding they have collected.

File attachments:

If you would like to object, support, or comment on the proposal, please use the Online Survey linked at the bottom of the page, or alternatively, write to:

Surrey County Council, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7BQ

by 03rd February 2021.

Data Protection Information

We will only use your personal data and information you have provided in relation to the purpose for which it was collected. We may share it with partner organisations, but only in order to help provide the service that you have requested. We treat all information that we collect in accordance with our privacy policies.

What happens next

The comments and objections will be considered by Lucy Monie. We will write to you again to let you know the outcome.



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