1108 results
Surrey's Joint Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Commissioning Strategy for children and young people 2013 - 2016
Welcome to Surrey's draft Joint Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Commissioning Strategy for children and young people 2013 - 2016. This strategy outlines what we know about the needs of children and young people with mental health needs and describes what we do and intend to do to support them. This is your opportunity to give your feedback on the draft strategy and the associated equality impact assessment and your views will inform the final version. Please download the full... MoreClosed 9 December 2013 -
Surrey's Joint Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Commissioning Strategy for children and young people 2013 - 2016 - young people's version
Welcome to Surrey's draft Joint Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Commissioning Strategy for children and young people 2013 - 2016. This strategy outlines what we know about the needs of children and young people with mental health needs and describes what we do and intend to do to support them. This is your opportunity to give your feedback on the draft strategy and the equality impact assessment and your views will inform the final version. Please download the strategy and... MoreClosed 9 December 2013 -
Early Help Strategy 2013-17
“Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years. Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children than reacting later.” - Working Together (2013) This Early Help Strategy 2013-17 outlines a partnership commitment to deliver early help and timely intervention to children, young people and their families in Surrey based on evidence of need and best... MoreClosed 13 December 2013 -
Joint strategic review of short breaks: public consultation
This consultation closed on Saturday 24 May 2014. Please download the independent report to see the results. This was a public consultation on the joint strategic review of short breaks for children with disabilities in Surrey. The project was joint between Surrey County Council and NHS Guildford and Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), on behalf of the six CCGs. The review looked at whether short breaks services for children with disabilities and their families are... MoreClosed 24 May 2014 -
Cranmere Primary School
Surrey County Council and Cranmere Primary School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for primary school places in Esher and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is to enlarge Cranmere Primary School from two forms of entry (2FE) to three forms of entry (3FE) with effect from September 2016. (A form of entry is normally 30 pupils in a year group.) The expansion would take place by rebuilding the school on the adjacent land... MoreClosed 16 June 2014 -
Sythwood Primary School Expansion
The Governing Body of Sythwood Primary School, in partnership with Surrey County Council, is proposing that the school expands from a 2 form entry primary school with a Published Admission Number of 60 (total capacity of 420 pupils), to a 3 form entry primary school with a Published Admission Number of 90 (total capacity of 630 pupils). MoreClosed 9 July 2014 -
North East Surrey Short Stay School
Surrey County Council and North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School have been working together to look at the need to provide suitable alternative provision for pupils at risk of exclusion from mainstream school within Spelthorne borough. Our proposal is that North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School relocates from its current location at West Hill, Epsom KT19 8HR to Stanwell New Road, Staines TW18 4HZ with effect from April 2015. The current capacity of the North East Surrey... MoreClosed 18 July 2014 -
Creating Opportunities for Young People Engagement Paper: Your Feedback
Our goal is to ensure that all Surrey young people are employable. This means developing the health, wellbeing, skills, abilities and personal attributes that enhance young people's capability to secure rewarding and satisfying outcomes in their economic, social and community lives. On the 22nd of April, Cabinet agreed our Young People's Outcomes Framework that describes what we want to acheive with young people from 2015-2020. So far, young peope, staff, partners and providers have all... MoreClosed 31 July 2014 -
Worplesdon Primary School
Surrey County Council and Worplesdon Primary School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for primary school places in west Guildford and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is that Worplesdon Primary School changes from a two form entry primary school to a two form entry primary school with three forms of entry at Key Stage 2. The school in its new form would be designed to serve children across the west Guildford area. ... MoreClosed 15 August 2014 -
Stoughton Infant School
Surrey County Council and Stoughton Infant School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for primary school places in Guildford and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is that Stoughton Infant School expands from a two form entry (2FE) infant school to three form entry (3FE). The school in its new form would be designed to serve children across north and east Guildford. The school would expand from the current two form entry... MoreClosed 15 August 2014 -
A proposed first university technical college in Surrey - what do you think?
Surrey County Council has been working with partners and employers to explore the potential for a university technical college (UTC) in Surrey for 14-19 year olds, specialising in engineering and digital technologies. It is proposed the UTC would be based in Guildford and we are looking to open it in September 2017. As part of the proposed bid that will be submitted to the Secretary of State in October this year, we need to show support for the UTC, especially from young people who... MoreClosed 21 September 2014 -
Bishop David Brown Secondary School
Surrey County Council and Bishop David Brown Secondary School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for secondary school places in Woking and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is that Bishop David Brown Secondary School increases its capacity from 750 places to 900 places by 2016. This would allow the school to admit up to 180 places at Year 7 from September 2016. An outline strategy has been agreed in principle for... MoreClosed 3 October 2014 -
Heathside School
Surrey County Council and Heathside School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for secondary school places in Elmbridge and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is that Heathside School changes from seven-form entry secondary school to an eight-form entry secondary school. The school in its new form would be designed to serve children across the Weybridge area. We are proposing that these changes start to take place from... MoreClosed 10 October 2014 -
Hinchley Wood Primary School
Surrey County Council and Hinchley Wood Primary School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for primary school places in the Borough of Elmbridge and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is that Hinchley Wood Primary School changes from a two-form entry primary school to a three-form entry primary school. The school in its new form would be designed to serve children across the Hinchley Wood area. We are proposing that... MoreClosed 10 October 2014 -
Waste plan - residents survey
Dealing with the huge amount of waste generated in Surrey homes is the challenging and costly job undertaken by the Surrey Waste Partnership, which is made up of Surrey County Council and the 11 district and borough councils in the county. Surrey’s Plan for Waste Management outlines how we do it and on a regular basis we take a fresh look at the plan and update it. This ensures we’re continuing to manage Surrey’s waste in the best, most cost effective way. As a result we have... MoreClosed 12 October 2014 -
NW Area Group
Serious Case Reviews have noted the challenge of working with fathers and male carers and highlight the failures of workers to effectively engage with fathers or identify men who present a risk to children. Research from the Family Rights Group highlights that too often agencies are neither assessing fathers as a risk or a resource to their children. Research shows barriers to working with men include: Gender stereotyping Power and control issues Lack of... MoreClosed 27 October 2014 -
St John the Baptist Catholic Comprehensive School
Surrey County Council, the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, and St John the Baptist Catholic Comprehensive School have been working together to look at the increasing demand for secondary school places in Woking and how the school can best meet these changing needs in the future. Our proposal is that St John the Baptist Catholic Comprehensive School changes from a 6 form entry school (900 pupils plus sixth form) to a 8 form entry school (120 plus sixth form). We are proposing that these... MoreClosed 14 November 2014 -
Surrey Umbrella Survey Primary Schools
Surrey Umbrella is a county wide network that supports, champions and shares best practice in developing arts and cultural opportunities for children and young people. As part of the work of Surrey Umbrella Surrey Arts are looking at the 'cold spots' within the county for schools engagement with artists and cultural organisations. One way in which Surrey Arts are consulting as part of this mapping exercise is by asking Surrey schools to complete this survey. It will take between 10-15... MoreClosed 12 December 2014 -
Surrey Umbrella Survey Secondary Schools
Surrey Umbrella is a county wide network that supports, champions and shares best practice in developing arts and cultural opportunities for children and young people. As part of the work of Surrey Umbrella Surrey Arts are looking at the 'cold spots' within the county for schools engagement with artists and cultural organisations. One way in which Surrey Arts are consulting on this mapping exercise is by asking Surrey schools to complete this survey. It will take between 10-15 minutes to... MoreClosed 12 December 2014 -
Surrey Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
From the 1st April 2013 Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) have a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up-to-date the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The PNA provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for the population of its area. The PNA aims to review the current pharmaceutical services for Surrey and identify any gaps in provision through assessment, consultation and analysis of local need. The PNA is a key document that will be used by; NHS... MoreClosed 31 December 2014 -
Your views on Children’s Services performance reporting
The Children’s Services Performance and Development Team is reviewing the monthly Children's Services performance report cards that are provided for the use of staff and senior management. Completing the survey should only take about 5-10 minutes. Your views will provide the CS Performance team with a better understanding of how the current reports are used; which parts are useful and which parts are less relevant. We really need your feedback to understand where we can make... MoreClosed 21 January 2015 -
Consultation on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for September 2016
Surrey County Council would like your views on: proposed changes to admission arrangements for some community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2016; a proposed change to the primary coordinated admissions scheme for 2016; and the proposed relevant area. The consultation on these proposals will run from Friday 28 November 2014 to Thursday 22 January 2015. Only response forms which are fully completed with the respondent's name and address will... MoreClosed 22 January 2015 -
Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form – School Admission Arrangements Consultation 2016
The law says that Surrey County Council must keep records to show that we do not discriminate against people because of their personal or cultural differences. Surrey County Council is committed to tackling all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination. We aim to provide equality of access and opportunity both as an employer and with respect to services we deliver. In order to develop policies and practices that are fair to all, we need to ensure that we are hearing views from all groups... MoreClosed 22 January 2015 -
Consultation on proposals for a new Deferred Payment Scheme
We are currently consulting on proposed changes to the Deferred Payment Scheme. 1. What is a deferred payment? The deferred payment scheme is designed to help people who are moving into permanent residential or nursing care who have capital to pay for their care which is tied up in their home and is not therefore immediately available. A deferred payment is a type of loan where the person can put off paying the cost of their care home fees until a later date. The council will pay... MoreClosed 26 January 2015 -
Consultation on Surrey County Council's charging policy for adult care and support services
The Care Act 2014 introduces new rules for charging for care and support from April 2015. Under the county council’s current charging policy, many people living at home receive their support free of charge. However, some people have to pay towards services such as home care and day care and most people have to pay towards residential and nursing care. The money the council receives from charging enables us to provide more care services than we could otherwise afford. We are thinking... MoreClosed 26 January 2015 -
Commissioning Strategy for Speech & Language Therapy Services (for Children and Young People)
This paper outlines the proposals for a three year joint commissioning strategy for the delivery of Speech and Language therapy (SLT) provision for 0-19 year olds (19-25 with SEND) living in Surrey. The strategy sets out to realign provision to meet the commissioning responsibilities and intentions of Surrey’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG), Surrey County Council (SCC) and other partners who may wish to procure services to meet the speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) of... MoreClosed 30 January 2015 -
Future of Surrey County Council In-House Homes
Surrey County Council is consulting people about the future of the six residential care homes that it runs for older people. These are: Brockhurst – Ottershaw Cobgates – Farnham Dormers – Caterham Longfield – Cranleigh Park Hall – Reigate Pinehurst – Camberley We want to make sure Surrey residents have access to high quality care and support. The aim of both health and social care is to support people to remain as... MoreClosed 31 January 2015 -
After School Short Breaks for Disabled Children (SEN school based)
Since 2009, as part of the ‘Aiming High for Disabled Children’ and Short Breaks Programme, Surrey County Council has supported the development of a wide range of short break services for disabled children and young people and their families in Surrey. This includes a range of after school and holiday provision delivered in partnership with Surrey Special Schools. Evaluations have shown the value families place on these services. However, it is important that we ensure services... MoreClosed 8 February 2015 -
South East Family Support Team - Partner survey
We would really appreciate your views on how the Family Support team in your area has performed throughout your involvement with them. Feedback will be collated and used to assist in the improvement and development of the Family Support Programme in your area. MoreClosed 6 March 2015 -
Proposal to close the Hearing Impaired Centre at the Bishop David Brown School
Surrey County Council, in partnership with Bishop David Brown School, is proposing to close the specialist Hearing Impaired Centre at the school with effect from the 31 st August 2015. Demand for specialist Hearing Impaired places in this area of Surrey has decreased and the number of pupils placed at the Centre has been declining over the past 3-4 years. An analysis of younger aged pupils with Hearing Impairment indicates no future demand for places at the Centre in the foreseeable... MoreClosed 10 March 2015
1108 results.
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