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907 results

  • Surrey Waste Local Plan 2019 to 2033 - Proposed Main Modifications Consultation

    Introduction: We are preparing a new Surrey Waste Local Plan (SWLP) that will cover the period 2019 to 2033. The SWLP sets out how and where different types of waste will be managed in Surrey in the future. It sets out the planning policy framework for the development of waste management facilities and is used in determining planning applications. You are invited to make a representation on the published documents set out below. The consultation will last six weeks, beginning on... More
    Closed 23 February 2020
  • Proposal to open a new school by amalgamating Christ Church C of E Infant School and Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries

    Surrey County Council, in partnership with the Diocese of Guildford and the Governing Bodies of Christ Church C of E Infant School and Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries, is proposing to open a new school by amalgamating the two schools into a single institution from September 2020. It is proposed that the new school would be a voluntary aided Church of England school and would be situated on the existing site of Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries. ... More
    Closed 26 February 2020
  • Parking controls request - Spelthorne 2020

    Thank you for contacting us about a parking problem in Spelthorne. This form must only be used to request formal parking controls. Usually these are requests for new (or changes to existing): •Double yellow lines •Single yellow lines •Permit parking (minor changes only) •Parking bays (which can be time limited) •Enforceable disabled parking bays •School keep clear markings •Loading restrictions Using this form for anything other than this may... More
    Closed 29 February 2020
  • Survey on the Surrey Disability Register

    Dear Surrey Disability Register member We are inviting you to give your thoughts and opinions on a proposal to close the Surrey Disability Register. Many of the benefits arising from the membership of the register are available through other organisations, so we have to consider whether it is right for us to devote time and resources to continuing to operate it. As a council, we're transforming the way we work to deliver our ambitions for Surrey against an ever increasing... More
    Closed 6 March 2020
  • Empowerment Awards 2020 - Nominate a professional

    The Empowerment Awards is to celebrate the achievements of children and young people throughout their journeys with emotional wellbeing services! It's also an opportunity for young people to nominate their workers for their exceptional work to help them! Professionals can nominate children and young people and young people can nominate professionals! Please nominate someone who you believe has done an amazing job in supporting you! To nominate, please just fill out this form More
    Closed 16 March 2020
  • Supporting Voluntary Community Faith Organisations in Surrey - Survey 2020

    Public sector organisations including Surrey County Council, District and Borough Councils and the health-based Clinical Commissioning Groups, together provide approximately £700,000 of funding every year to voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) infrastructure organisations in Surrey. These organisations are here to support you and to help you function effectively. As a voluntary, community or faith organisation, we want your views on how effective this support is and whether it is... More
    Closed 19 March 2020
  • Statutory Notices to open a new school by amalgamating Christ Church C of E Infant School and Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries

    Consultation Postponed as of 24th March 2020 On 11 March 2020, Surrey County Council and Guildford Diocesan Board of Education published linked proposals to close Christ Church CofE Infant School and Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries and open a new Church of England voluntary aided infant school on the Englefield Green Infant School site. The statutory representation period was due to close on 22 April 2020. In light of the government guidelines to reduce the... More
    Closed 23 March 2020
  • Total respect Evaluation

    We are always looking for ways to improve our training offers. Please take a few minutes to reflect on the above named course and rare the following statements on a scale of Very Poor to Excellent. Please feel free to comment on ways of improving the training. More
    Closed 27 March 2020
  • Statutory Notice to expand Brooklands School

    Surrey County Council, in collaboration with Brooklands School in Reigate, is looking at how best to provide additional specialist school places in the local area. Our proposal is to expand Brooklands School to create additional provision for children with a primary need of Autism Spectrum Disorder using an existing school site on Alexander Road in Reigate. It is proposed that the expansion will provide an additional 70 places. The school would expand its provision... More
    Closed 27 March 2020
  • Surrey Fire and Rescue Service customer survey

    Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is seeking feedback on how well we are engaging with residents and the information provided on our website. Your feedback will be used to monitor how well we're keeping people informed about the services we provide and inform changes to our website. This short survey will take no longer than five minutes to complete, your feedback is appreciated and will of course be kept confidential. More
    Closed 31 March 2020
  • Schools Easter Holiday Provision

    Further to the DfE requirement for schools “wherever possible to maintain provision for children of workers critical to the Covid-19 response and vulnerable children over the Easter holidays” the council need to understand the arrangements schools are making. Many of you completed the earlier survey but as a result of recent guidance from DfE it would be very helpful if you could update your details on this new survey. We are asking for this information for the following... More
    Closed 2 April 2020
  • Social Progress Index indicator consultation

    Surrey County Council, in partnership with other organisation across the county, is developing a social progress index to measure inclusive growth of our communities. Following a workshop on the 3rd of March, we have produced a long list of indicators which we need to priorites into a final short-list that best reflects our ambitions for the county and it's residents. More
    Closed 3 April 2020
  • Veterans Hub Survey - FCSE

    The Forces Connect South East – Veterans’ Hub Project is funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund with the aim of supporting and growing new and existing veteran hubs and drop-ins for ex-service personnel in Surrey, Kent, Hampshire, East Sussex, West Sussex, Brighton & Hove and Medway. We are working with Surrey University to help evaluate this project and would welcome your input into this evaluation through completion of the following questionnaire. More
    Closed 30 April 2020
  • Bereavement Support

    Due to Covid-19 and the growing needs that have emerged from it, we are carrying out a gap analysis to map bereavement provision for children and young people, families and staff, linking with the other pieces of work already being undertaken by Public Health and HR. We would like to discover what bereavement provision Non-Maintained Institutions have in place, whether or not you feel that the bereavement provisions in place are sufficient, what the bereavement support looks like, and any... More
    Closed 7 May 2020
  • Our Voice Matters Survey - Primary School aged children

    The User Voice and Participation team want to know your views on all things Surrey, including your safety, public spaces and various services you may have used! We want you to be honest with us so we can feed this information back to the right people to make changes based on what you tell us! Feel free to ask a parent/carer or adult you trust to help you fill out this survey! If you would like an easy read version of this survey, please email More
    Closed 17 May 2020
  • Big Survey 2020

    This is a survey consisting of 34 consultation questions to capture the feedback of Care Leavers in Surrey. This feedback will then be formed into a report and distributed to senior management to improve professional practice and service development. More
    Closed 17 May 2020
  • Big Survey 2020

    This is a survey consisting of 36 consultation questions to capture the feedback from Look After Children in Surrey. This feedback will then be formed into a report and distributed to senior management to improve professional practice and service development. More
    Closed 17 May 2020
  • Our Voice Matters Survey - Secondary School & College aged young people

    The User Voice and Participation team want to know your views on all things Surrey, including your safety, public spaces and various services you may have used! We want you to be honest with us so we can feed this information back to the right people to implement change based on what you tell us! If you would like an easy read version of this survey, please email More
    Closed 17 May 2020
  • Learning from the lockdown period - Commissioning

    The covid19 outbreak and the lockdown that followed have meant sudden and important changes to the way we work. Most of us are currently at home, and our office has become virtual through collaborative spaces such as Teams. We share documentation and resources in a very different way from the beginning of the year, and we've all had to adapt to new routines and different types of demand. More
    Closed 25 May 2020
  • Surrey Non-Maintained School/ Independent School charitable status audit

    This survey is to ascertain the charitable status of Surrey County Council's non-maintained independent sector More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • Parking controls request - Surrey Heath - March 2019

    Thank you for contacting us about a parking problem in Surrey Heath. This form must only be used to request formal parking controls. Usually these are requests for new (or changes to existing): •Double yellow lines •Single yellow lines •Permit parking (minor changes only) •Parking bays (which can be time limited) •Enforceable disabled parking bays •School keep clear markings •Loading restrictions Using this form for anything other than this may... More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • Family Group Conference - how did we do?

    The aim of this consultation is to continuously improve the service the family group conference (FGC) team is delivering to children and families in Surrey. We want to consult children and families who use our service so that we can make changes for the better. We believe in having a genuine two-way conversation with children and families who access our services. By listening to your views we can learn to do things better. This consultation is your opportunity to have your say... More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • Winter service feedback 2019/20

    Thank you for taking the time to come to our short survey about Surrey Highways' Winter Service, operating between October 2019 and April 2020. Winter Service involves treating the highway in order to: · Prevent ice from forming (known as “precautionary salting”) · Melt ice and snow already formed (known as “post salting”) · Remove snow We are constantly looking to make improvements and would therefore be very grateful for your views on how we've done this... More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • Early Years Redeployment Survey

    If you work in an Early Years Setting which is not open or from which you have been furloughed, please complete the following survey and you will be included in a bank of staff who can be called upon to work in another Early Years provision. More
    Closed 1 June 2020
  • All Schools Operational Status (Open/Closed) Information Sharing Covid-19

    The purpose of this is to enable Surrey County Council to obtain an overview of the current operational status of all schools (including maintained, academy, non-maintained and independent provision) in response to COVID-19. By sharing this information and keeping us updated you will enable us to support vulnerable children, those with EHCPs and those with a Critical Worker parent to continue to access education provision locally, wherever possible. Please complete the... More
    Closed 8 June 2020
  • Non-Maintained Independent Schools / Post-16 Specialist Institutions (SPI) Information Sharing (COVID-19)

    The purpose of this survey is to enable Surrey County Council to obtain an overview of Non-Maintained Independent Schools / Post-16 Specialist Institutions availability in response to COVID-19. By sharing this information and keeping us updated you will enable us to support vulnerable children, those with EHCPs and those from Critical worker (key-worker) families to continue to access education provision locally, wherever possible. Please complete the survey and return it to us... More
    Closed 8 June 2020
  • Children and Young People's Haven Hours Review

    The Children and Young People's Haven is a mental health crisis drop in for young people aged 10 - 18 years. Young people can drop in and get support from a Mental Health Practitioner, a Youth Worker or an Advocate. For more infomation you can visit their website: Between August 2019 and October 2019, the User Voice and Participation team conducted a survey about the Children and Young People's Haven to hear from young people, professionals and parents/carers. This... More
    Closed 14 June 2020
  • Virtual Health Assessment for Looked after Children and Care Leavers

    This is a survey consisting of just 4 consultation questions to capture the feedback from look after children and care leavers in Surrey, regarding health assessments. This feedback will then be formed into a report and distributed to the appropiate professionals, to improve professional practice and service development. More
    Closed 16 June 2020
  • Spreading the Word!

    We would like to understand the full extent of our readership for this regular Adult Social Care, Information and Engagement Monthly Briefing and would like to invite you to answer two very quick questions. Thank you. More
    Closed 19 June 2020
  • Keeping our Networks Alive

    The coronavirus pandemic has changed so much in society, our communities and our workplace. It has changed methods of communication, how we stay in touch with people and engage them. It has made us think more about how we reach residents and stakeholders and continue to hear their views, involve them in important matters and stay connected. As a key stakeholder that is actively involved in the local health and social care environment Adult Social Care at Surrey County... More
    Closed 19 June 2020
907 results. Page 3 of 31